Saturday, November 24, 2012

The "Other" Norquist Pledge

I gotta tell you that I'm pretty damned sick of idiots trying to manipulate my elected officials.  There's a battle going on in Washington, DC and in case you haven't met this master manipulator, it's high time you did, because if you've got a Republican representing you in Congress, there are excellent odds that he's manipulating (or trying to manipulate) your Congressperson or Senator.  His name is Grover Norquist and he's a lobbyist and the founder and president of a group called Americans for Tax Reform.  He's also a very wealthy man.

Grover has taken it upon himself to bully members of Congress into signing the following pledge, and most Republicans have acquiesced to his demands.

Taxpayer Protection Pledge: I,_____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____district of the) state of______ and to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.
So what I'd like to know is; who the hell elected Grover Norquist, and what right does he have to ask our representatives to sign any kind of pledge?  If this is the way Washington works, then I would like to submit my own pledge to members of Congress for them to sign.
Stop the Idiocy Pledge:  I,_____, pledge to the constituents of the (____district of the) state of _____ and to the American people that I will, ONE, slap Grover Norquist up side his head each and every time I see him in or around the District of Columbia or the halls of the Capitol; and TWO, tell Grover Norquist to mind his own damn business because I represent the interests of my constituency and not his own personal agenda.
I think this pledge would go far in keeping greedy, rich white guys from seeking to further their own personal financial goals by attempting to manipulate members of Congress.  Call it my own personal lobbying style.  Perhaps, some of our more physically fit leaders might deliver the added bonus of knocking some sense into Norquist into the bargain.  Like Norquist himself, I am an optimist and it never hurts to try.  

Grover Norquist is nothing more than another wealthy man trying to protect his own financial interests because it's not you or I or any average "get up and go to work at the factory or the grocery store" kind of people that benefit from this pledge, it's the financial elite that reap the benefits.  Sadly, he's done a pretty damned good job of protecting his own interests so far--but it seems his luck may be running out.  Norquist's pledge leaves absolutely no room for Republicans to compromise and that's getting pretty uncomfortable for those who have made this deal with the devil.  With the "fiscal cliff" that we've been hearing so much about looming large, and after a dismal failure of an election for their party, the Republicans are more than willing to enter negotiations with the spirit of compromise at the fore.  The only thing at this point holding them back is their pithy promise to Grover.

It's time the Republicans ask themselves, "What's going to happen if we break our pledge to Grover?"  The answer is simple; absolutely nothing, other than perhaps, earning the respect of the people in their districts and states that actually do the electing.  If Republicans learned nothing else from the last election, it should be that they're not going to always be successful at buying their way into office with Super PAC and dark money.  So, if they kick Grover to the curb and focus on the good of the country like they should, the sky isn't going to fall.  Nothing is going to happen except progress.  What a concept.  The good news is that more Republicans than ever before are turning their backs on Grover and his ill advised pledge. 

 In order to reduce the deficit, it will take a balanced approach to solve the problems.  There are a myriad of ways to cut waste in existing programs without reducing much needed services.  My personal favorite spending cut?  Ending corporate welfare!!  Exxon-Mobil doesn't need government subsidies--they're doing pretty damned good all by themselves. Companies like General Electric and other Fortune 500 companies can start paying taxes. Right now, a lot of really big corporations end up with zero dollar tax bills and some even get refunds while enjoying record profits.  Closing the loopholes that keep these corporations from paying taxes will go a long way toward reducing the deficit.  

Another productive approach is tackling the monster that is defense spending.  We spend an insane amount of money on our national defense.  Although we need a strong military, we're outspending the rest of the world on defense.  There are plenty avenues to explore when cutting expenses without people losing their jobs and while continuing to maintain our nation's safety.  Republicans view defense as a sacred cow.  Sorry, boys--cow is what's for dinner regarding this conversation.  And so is Grover's meaningless pledge.  Stack those pledges right there by the defense cow and please pass the gravy. 

And people who earn over $250,000 a year can afford for their tax rate to increase by a measly 4%.  That's all the President is proposing, 4 cents on the dollar.  It isn't a lot to ask of them, but it will help.  The fact is; these people are so consumed with greed that they've lost all sense of humanity and decency--not to mention patriotism.  We live in a society that has allowed them to amass so much money they couldn't spend it in their lifetimes, and they're crying about a 4% increase to live in the country that gave them so much opportunity.  

I find it hard to pity the Mitt Romneys of the world.  I promise you that they're not worried about your financial woes.  If you think they are, just take a look at the fact that the average CEO makes 380 times more money than his hourly workers.  Look at the fact that Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke makes as much money on his lunch hour than his cashiers make all year.  They don't worry about much--except paying their workers and their fair share of taxes.  Mike Duke doesn't worry about paying the light bill, or the car payment or what would happen if he couldn't work for a week or two.  They're not like us.

I don't begrudge anyone the right to make as much money as they can.  This is a capitalistic society after all.  But there's a price to enjoy the ride, and they're not paying their fair share.  If we, as fellow owners of the country don't demand they pay the price of admission, we're all going down with the ship. They can afford the increase, even Grover.  They're not going to miss a meal over 4%.  At one point in this nation's history, the top marginal tax rate was 90%.  Perhaps that will provide a little perspective for them the next time it comes up in the conversation.

 We can reduce the federal deficit.  It can be done with a balanced approach. All it takes is some common sense, good will and the ability to compromise.  And our representatives shouldn't be worrying about some nonsense promise they made to a man with an over inflated sense of self-importance.  At the end of the day, Grover Norquist is a nobody.  It's high time people stopped worrying about what he thinks.  It doesn't matter.

We can reduce the national debt without breaking the backs of our most vulnerable citizens.  The middle class can't afford to pay more in taxes, and heaven knows the poor have it hard enough already.  The rich can stay rich while paying their fair share.  Our Congress has been held hostage by one man for long enough.  Pick up your phone and call your elected officials and tell them to scrap Grover's pledge.  Flood their in-boxes with e-mails that say you've had enough of Norquist's crap.  Give the Republicans incentive to turn their back on Grover.  They'll listen to you.  You just have to remind them who they're working for.  Grover didn't put them in office, and he won't return them to office either...but you might if they do the right thing for once.  And while you're at it...ask them to sign my pledge!  

1 comment:

  1. It is time for the Clinton era tax rates to be returned. End the corporate welfare and wave Bye Bye to Grover.
    ps grover dont let the door hit you on the way out you schmuck!!
