Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Random Rants...

With so much happening on the political scene, it's a random rants kind of day.  

First up, today is National Call In Day to tell your representatives in Congress that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have no place in the deficit debate.  Just call the number, key in your zip code and you will be automatically redirected to your representative's office.  I made the call and it sounded like my Teapublican Congressman's staffer, Chris wasn't having a very good day.  Do I think it will change Tom Reed's vote?  No.  He believes himself to be on firm red ground--untouchable considering the Superpac money he's been showered in by special interest groups (especially the Natural Gas industry).  

This past election cycle, big daddy Democrat (also known as the DCCC) largely ignored our Democratic candidate.  It was 29 year-old Nate Shinagawa's first Congressional bid so the Party kept an eye on him to see how he fared.  If we here in NY's 23rd district can convince him to run again, I'm betting that he'll get his fair share of support from the Party--because he's caught the attention of a very important Democrat, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. 
In a hand signed note, Secretary Clinton said to our very own Nate Shinagawa, 
"...we will continue needing your voice in the public square in the years to come.  In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Onward!"

See for yourself by checking out the clip.  Pay attention to the note in the background.  As it slowly comes into soft focus, you can see that the note is addressed to Nate Shinagawa (street address), Ithaca, NY.  I'm predicting right now that we had better hang on to our "Nate for Congress" signs, because if Hillary asks nicely, he's not likely to say no.  Shinagawa is an ambitious young man with energy and charisma to spare.  Lucky for us, he also has sound policy positions to match.
Watch Lawrence O'Donnell here.

In other news, it's becoming blindingly apparent that the Republicans are more than happy to destroy the economic progress we've made over the last four years in an all-out attempt to protect the largess of people who make over $250,000 a year.  John Boehner is skipping happily toward the fiscal cliff; and yes, I'm calling it a cliff, because it will be disastrous for the most disadvantaged among us.  The Republicans are more than happy to bring uncertainty to the world markets yet again and send the nation back into recession.  The last time they played this game, America's credit rating was lowered for the first time in history.  I honestly believe that for the first time in the nation's history we have a group of public servants that don't give a damn about the good of the country.  It's obvious whom the Republicans represent, and it certainly isn't the majority of people who elected them to office.  

Did you hear that ol' leatherface, Jan Brewer (Governor of the unfortunate citizens of Arizona) has gone missing?  She skipped the vote certification in her state and took off on "Official Business" and her staff won't say where.  Rumor has it that she's gone below to stage a coup in the pit of hell in attempt to depose her mentor, Satan himself.  

From there we move on to an even more sinister lot--the 38 Senate Republicans who have shown themselves to be the epitome of evil.  Thirty eight Republican Senators sat on the Senate floor, looked a wheelchair-bound Bob Dole in the eye and voted against a UN Treaty pledging equal access for disabled people around the world.  The treaty was modeled after the Americans with Disabilities Act, and they voted it down for what can only be called bullshit reasons, and showed themselves to be morally bereft, soulless and spineless.  They cowed before the Teabaggery faction and their threats to hold organized tantrums outside the offices of anyone who dared vote against their obstructionist agenda.  
You can see the names of the cowardly 38 here.  What kind of human being votes against the disabled?  As if I needed another reason to despise Mitch McConnell.  Sheesh! 
PS. Did you call yet?  Do it now.  Because I said so.  It's important, look at the title of the page--It Matters!!

Until next time...take political news in small doses--it causes ulcers.

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