Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mitt--The Great Pretender

Sandy has really been a game changer in the political arena.  The most densely populated area of the United States is literally a disaster.  We've witnessed the setting aside of political differences through the example of Chris Christie and President Obama, working together for the good of citizens in dire need.  Even though time is standing still for all of those people, we're still at the close of what is probably the most important national election of our lives.  There is a very real, stark contrast between these two candidates.  

While President Obama abandoned campaigning to keep his job, Mitt Romney chose a distinctly different path.  While the President was cutting through red tape and making sure that the federal government did it's job in the most efficient manner possible, Mitt Romney saw an opportunity and seized it.  He had a chance to show his capacity for compassion.  He had a chance to show that he cares for all the people and well, frankly--he blew it.  Again...and this time I am angry.  

New York is my state.  It's citizens are my brothers and sisters.  Upstate or downstate, we are all New Yorkers.  Now it's personal.  It was bad enough when Mittens thought he could jump in and take a tour of the damage with his campaigning pal, Chris Christie. I bet Mitt was a little surprised when Christie announced on Fox "News" of all places, that he didn't have time to play Mitt's bullshit photo-op games.  Christie opted to put first the people of his state and their very real suffering.  Romney made no such offer tour lower Manhattan or Long Island to Democratic Governor Cuomo.  I wonder why.  

At this point in the campaigns, you have to ask yourself whether you want veneer or something more deeply authentic.  No, Romney doesn't have the power to act in an official capacity.  Yet there is much one can do to help.  Mitt is running a multi-million dollar campaign.  He has the power to reach millions of Americans and call them to action to assist their fellow citizens; but that goes against everything that Romney stands for.  According to his principals, the people of New York and New Jersey are on their own.  Romney is all about pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps, no matter if they are several feet underwater.  

Instead of doing something real, Romney announced that he was suspending his campaign out of sensitivity for the people in dire need on the East Coast.  He then proceeded to hold a campaign rally in OHIO (really?) and nothing about it changed (it still had the film, still had the "has-been" musical acts) he just called it a flood relief rally and sent a couple of staffers to the local Wal Mart to buy $5,000 worth of canned goods so the people that attended his relief/political rally could hand them back to him and call it a donation.  Screw you Mitt, we're smarter than that.

The American Red Cross prefers cash donations and blood donations.  It allows them to operate more efficiently.  Now they have to waste their time sorting through Mitt's bullshit donations from his bullshit rally.  He was merely pretending to care about these people so he could get in a good photo-op.  He did more harm than good.  That's all he's ever done.  

If you're so blind that you believe anything that comes out of this man's mouth or out of his campaign, then, frankly, you're as dumb as dirt and there's no help for you, really.  You're voting for him because your parents were Republicans and they told you that's what you are; or maybe you are a heartless, compassion-less drone like Mitt is--you're so far above it all that you're unable to feel anyone else's suffering; you've amassed so much wealth you're insulated from any kind of real tragedy--money does buy a lot of healing.  If one house gets flooded, like Mitt you have several others on stand-by.  Why bother with these little people and their little lives?  Your "I've got mine" attitude is pathetic.    
If you make under $500,000 a year and you're voting Romney--you're not paying attention.  You've been duped by a bunch of political hacks that have created a brand.  It's all on the surface--no substance underneath.  Romney is a puppet, and you're a mindless automaton.  

Say what you will about Chris Christie's political point of view, he's the real deal.  There's no veneer what so ever.  What you see is what you get, and I can't for the life of me understand how he could back a candidate so blatantly fake and fraudulent.  The opportunistic nature of what his campaign did--using the suffering of millions of Americans in NY and NJ to further Romney's Presidential aspirations is beyond reprehensible.  It is vile and shameful, and if you're voting for him, by god you should be ashamed of yourself too.  
Mitt Romney is a weak man with no morals and no values.  He is a man without a heart or the capacity for compassion.  

President Obama has seen the very real suffering of the people he leads and he has chosen to act.  He went to those people and walked among them--and he cared.  He too, could have chosen to take the opportunity to make political hay out of the situation, like Romney.  He did not.  He chose to let his actions speak for themselves, and has gone about doing all he can to ease the suffering of those in need.  That's another reason I'm voting for President Obama.  If my house is six feet underwater, he won't be somewhere else pretending to care...he'll be out there doing what a President must do--actually, honestly caring for his people.  Giving real assistance, not just staged photo-ops.  President Obama's got my back.  Mitt just pretends.

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