Saturday, September 29, 2012

Oh, Say Can You See?

  I've said before and I'll say again that this is the most important election of my lifetime. I say that for a number of reasons.  Our planet is reaching a critical tipping point and if we don't start dealing with climate change the damage is going to be so overwhelming...well, I can't even fathom it.  Republicans have snuggled up in bed all cozy-like with ultra-conservative Christians bent on forcing their faith and sense of morality on us all.  Then there are the issues of the overwhelming national debt, fiscal responsibility, defense, healthcare, job creation.  The list goes on and on.  But the biggest...absolutely ginormous, huge issue that makes this election the most absolutely important one of our generation is might be the last one we ever have.  Ever.  No kidding.  I mean it.

   There is something so sinister, so heinous, so absolutely deplorable going on in this country right now, even as we speak, that we should all be out rioting in the streets.  Shouting from our roof tops, protesting.  Demanding this wrong be righted.  And I don't just mean Democrats...I mean all of us.   By god we should be demanding justice.  So you're wondering what on Earth you've missed?  You're quickly clicking on the MSNBC to see what's going on?  You probably haven't missed it, for it's been reported, and it is this:  Voter suppression.  On a cataclysmic scale.
Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD
 Let's start with a story, shall we?  As some of you know, I am from Baltimore.  I'm sure you all know that the National Anthem was written in my city. In 1814 while on a diplomatic mission, Francis Scott Key was held captive on a British ship, watching as that very ship and many others attacked Fort McHenry.  Through out the long night, he wondered if the Fort would fall, as he watched the ordinance exchanged. At dawn, he was heartened to see that the American flag was still proudly flying.  The battle was won.
  Oh, say, can you see? 
We're pretty damned proud of that song in Baltimore.  We add our own special flavor to it in my city (Ever been to an Orioles game)?  Let's just say that the "Oh's" are our favorite part!  Francis Scott Key's poem, Defence of Fort McHenry, means a great deal to us Baltimorians.  As our National Anthem, it is a celebration of our perseverance as a nation.  Who doesn't get a shiver when the performer hits "O'er the land of the free" pitch perfect?!  It's our song!
 The very foundation of this nation is that every man and woman has a voice.  It took us a while to get there, yet we arrived--all men (and women) are created equal.  A lot of courageous men and women died for the right to cast a ballot.  Many more suffered shame, humiliation, poll taxes and jail all for the right to choose our leadership.  It should mean a hell of a lot more to us than this passive, "Oh, my goodness I can't believe they're doing that." reaction this news is receiving. 

 I've been a proud Democrat for 23 years of my life, and by god if the Democrats decide that they have to disenfranchise certain blocks of voters to stay in office--Even if I believe with every fiber of my being that the Dems are right, then I'm not going to be a Democrat anymore.  Because that's not how it works.  I won't be a part of it.  Not now, not ever. This is not who we are as a country or as a people.
The facts are clear.  Voter fraud is NOT, NOT, NOT I say it again, NOT a problem.  It just isn't.  What is a problem is a Republican party who is so desperately trying to cling to power and grab more of that power, that they will do whatever it takes to prevent people from voting who they know vote against Republican candidates.   Even if it undermines the very democracy that we hold so dear.   Simply put, if you're in a demographic that's likely to vote Democratic; they're going to make it as difficult as they possibly can for you to vote.  They're going to make these people believe that there's no point in trying to register, and no point in waiting in long lines to cast a ballot.  If you don't have the proper ID, you don't get to exercise that most fundamental right of being an American...casting a ballot to choose your leadership.  It's not only unconstitutional,  it's unpatriotic and goes against every principle America stands for. A political party does not get to choose who gets to vote.     

   So WHY, WHY, WHY aren't people rioting in the street for this to stop?  I just don't understand it.  Today, it's just a couple hundred thousand elderly who don't have driver's licenses.  It's just a few thousand first or second generation legal immigrants.  Only a few hundred thousand African-Americans.  It's just happening in a few states, or in select cities that aren't yours (yet).  So, if this push for voter disenfranchisement is successful in this election, where and when does it stop?  How long before you're segmented into a smaller group and stricter, nearly impossible to meet restrictions are applied to you?  
(The other one is the Maryland State Flag)!
   I'm here to tell you, friends, that voter suppression and partisan redistricting, coupled with the Supreme Court's Citizen's United decision that made corporations people too are the beginning of the end of our democracy.  Without the ability to hold a fair election where ALL the people have a voice and a choice, our way of life in this nation is over and we might as well surrender to our corporate overlords now.  Or, we fight back.  We can take to the streets in peaceful protest (while it's still possible), we can take up our pens as swords,  and DEMAND that we have fair elections where every single American who is of proper age with a desire to cast a ballot is not only able, but empowered to do so.  We  must honor Francis, who looked out across the Chesapeake, saw that flag--our flag, and as his heart swelled, pulled out his pen and wrote on the back of the letter in his pocket,  "Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just...And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."   
 This time, the enemy is within, and they seek to segment and divide us.  They strive mightily to take away our voice and our choices.  If it happens to one of us, it happens to us all.  We are our brothers and sisters keepers.  We are all in this together.  We must stand together, with a sense of moral outrage and righteous indignation.  We must demand justice be done. Party affiliation doesn't matter now. Republican and Democrat, Independent, Socialist Workers, Green, Working Family and The Rent Is Too Damn High Party...together, as Americans.  This is our way of life, our government of the people, by the people and for the people...ALL the people.  And damnit, it matters.

Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Time to Get Real

* Before we get started you should know that this piece represents my own impressions and opinions and is in no way endorsed by the Shinagawa Campaign for for Congress.  Just sayin'.

So here's the thing...I've met a few politicians in my day.  Most of them are pretty standard issue.  They come out, shake hands, maybe kiss a baby.  They make speeches and promises.  They ask for your vote, and maybe a donation.  For the most part you can recite it to yourself in your head, because if you've met one--you've met them all.  Until tonight.  Tonight changed everything.
   I'm a volunteer with my local Democratic Committee.  I make phone calls, I work the store front, and I'm thinking of volunteering to make the scare crow to line the street where the storefront is located.  It's a matter of democratic pride, what with the Republicans up the street a bit.   But we're getting off topic.  I was invited to a house party to meet the Democratic challenger in the race against Tom Reed in the 23rd district in Upstate NY.  
  I've been a supporter of the Nate Shinagawa campaign for Congress.  That's who I'm working the phones for as a volunteer.  Now that I've met Nate--I'm not just a supporter...I'm a believer!!  Let me tell you about Nate.  He might be running for Congress, but he's no politician.  Nate Shinagawa is first and foremost a human being.  A man.  
This man is very much like us.  He has a job.  He goes to work.  He pays bills.  He gets frosting on his chin while eating his birthday cupcake.  Nate's just this guy.
   Except Nate is more.  He has a comprehensive understanding of policy.  His knowledge on the issues is second to none.  He is a veritable fountain of facts and figures that back up his platform.  But that's nothing new.  A lot of politicians are policy wonks, and that's a fantastic attribute to have in a candidate.  What sets Shinagawa apart is his abundance of energy, enthusiasm and idealism that is refreshing.  He has a compelling personality that is warm and compassionate, yet his passion shines through when he speaks on the issues that are important to him--and lucky for us they're the issues that matter to us too.  Not just nationally--but right here at home in the Southern Tier.  When I got home, I called everyone I know and told them..."You've gotta meet this guy"!! I've never said that to anyone after a political function before.  
  Damnit, we need someone in Congress who still believes that one man can make a difference.  We need someone in there who has the spirit to fight for what is right for us here at home...who doesn't believe in the "You scratch my back and I'll vote for your bill too" way that Congress has operated for far too long.  Frankly, I'm tired of the old guard doing things the old way in government.  It's time for fresh new ideas, and a fresh (and clean) way of doing things.  
   Nate Shinagawa is off the charts brilliant.  He has a deep and thorough understanding of healthcare issues from the inside out.  He believes in patient care and a firm bottom line, and that one doesn't have to be at odds with the other.  He possesses a deep concern for the environment, especially where hydro-fracking is concerned, and he is committed to keeping the Southern Tier a decent place to live--free from the scars of those who would rape our land for their profit, and leave us to clean up the mess.  He believes in boosting the economy and keeping jobs here in America.  
   Eventually, the questions at the event took a philosophical turn, and we were given a glimpse inside the man and his methods.  He proved to be thoughtful and contemplative--well considered.  Clearly, his wisdom greatly surpasses his years.  Nate is a man of integrity, warmth and compassion.  
  Like I said--I'm a believer!! Tom Reed has one hell of a race to run.  And although he might be great at walking Speaker Boehner's dogs--I'm betting he's not so good at running.  Reed might have those Super Pac dollars--but we have truth, nobility and human decency on our side.  I'm telling ya--you've gotta meet this guy.  He's gonna blow you away!!  

As always--if you haven't registered to vote, do it!! If you need help with the where's and when's...leave a message in the comments section and I'll get you the info you need.  If you're in the Southern Tier (Penn Yan, Elmira or surrounding area) I'll give you a ride if you need one.  After you've done that, join me in shouting from the roof tops that "We the People" are taking our government Congressman at a time.  Here in Upstate New York, that means voting for Nate Shinagawa.  Because the most important characteristic our representative in Washington can have is humanity.  Nate has it in spades.  Nate Shinagawa is our Mr. Smith...and by god he's going to Washington!!!

Republicans Refuse to Support our Troops

  There's plenty to disagree on in this country politically, there is no doubt.  Yet there are also some things that you would think both parties can come together on without question or debate.  There are some subjects that are sacred to the American people.  The members of the American military who protect and defend us are one such subject.  You would think.  Although support for the war in Afghanistan has waned, our support for the members of our Armed Services has not.  Nor should it.  
   Back in July of this year, when the nut jobs of the Westboro Baptist Church decided it would be a good idea to protest a military funeral, more than 650 people gathered to form a human wall to allow the friends and family of the fallen the opportunity to grieve without harassment.  In fact, after the Supreme Court ruled that Westboro had the Constitutional right to protest at the funerals of fallen soldiers, Congress came together to pass legislation restricting protests at Military funerals, forbidding protests two hours before and after funerals and not allowing them within a distance of 300 feet.  President Obama signed the bill into law.  
  This knowledge makes it all the more puzzling, and frankly, infuriating to know what the Republican obstructionists in the Senate are doing now.  Yesterday it was reported that an anonymous Republican Senator blocked a bill that gives a cost of living adjustment to the death benefit to disabled Veterans and surviving spouses and the children of soldiers who lost their lives in service to our country.  Yes, you read that right.  One cowardly Republican Senator (who is too chicken-hearted to take credit for his or her actions) blocked this legislation.
   This party who supported President Bush in his rush to crank up the war machine, this party who favors sending our sons and daughters, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters into harms way opposes increasing a death benefit that amounts to no more than $500 for 3.9 million surviving spouses and disabled vets.  Are you fucking kidding me?  
This party, now led by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who propose, if elected, to give the Pentagon more money (a lot more money) than it is requesting to feed the machinery of war (also known as Halliburton)--refuses to give a simple COLA to widows and widowers and the kids who lost a parent.  They refuse to give a COLA to those brave men and women who sacrificed their healthy bodies and minds to run that very war machine.  
  Remember that when you go to the polls on November 6th.  And remember that it was Republicans who filibustered the bill to help Veterans find jobs when they return home from their service.  A bill that was fully funded and would cost tax payers nothing.  Two pieces of vital legislation have been blocked because the Republicans are far more interested in political power and furthering their only agenda--obstructing President Obama.  All the while, they sit back and squawk about the President's failed policies.  Policies that failed because THEY MADE THEM FAIL.  Think about that when you make your choices on election day.  Especially in your local Congressional races.  Some gave all...and then some refused to give anything.  Even to the best and bravest our country has to offer.  The defenders of our freedom, and the families who made the ultimate sacrifice.   This man, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican minions refuse to support our troops, because their number one priority is making sure that President Obama is a one term president.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our Direction

  Yesterday, I was happily viewing my statistics for this blog and I was quite surprised (and elated) to discover that I had two page views in China.  CHINA!! Wow!  That started me thinking about how far this blog has come in such a short time, and where I'd like it to go.
It still blows my mind that I can share my thoughts with people all over the globe.  This blog mainly deals with politics in the USA, but let's face it.  Our politics impact the world.
   I am reminded of a quote from Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 18 astronaut, who said in People Magazine in 1974 when looking back at the Earth from space, "You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world and a compulsion to do something about it.  From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty.  You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, 'Look at that, you son-of-a-bitch.'"
   I also started thinking of the miracle that facebook really is.  Not just facebook--all social media.  I'm in awe that I have friends all over the world.  I've never been in their presence, nor they in mine.  I've never been invited over for dinner, but I'd invite them if they were in town.  They're not just words on a screen, or a photograph.  They're real, living breathing people; and they have changed me.  I'm friends on facebook with a man in Greece.  He's brilliant, endlessly funny, and has introduced me to a world of ass-kickin', angry music.  He's made my world a little bigger.  And I can no longer turn a blind eye to what's going on in that country.  I have a friend in Nepal who is studying her ass off to be a physician.  She is bright, articulate and has the biggest heart.  She's going to do great things in the world!  I have friends as far away as Indonesia and India, in France, and Britain.  Social media has made the world smaller and obviously, more connected.  
   So--that's where I want to go.  I want to take the craziness that is American politics to the world, right here on this page.  I want us to share our points of view from across the world.  I want to shine a light on how others in the world view us, and view our policies and share what's going on in other countries too.  
   It's become "patriotic" to embrace American exceptionalism, and I call bullshit on it.  How arrogant of us as a nation to believe that we have nothing to learn from other countries.  Let's face it, in the grand scheme of things, The United States of America is in its infancy.  We have much to learn from the adult nations around us.  Yes, we are a world leader, and we do things differently here in the US, but we're still just a small part of a larger whole.  
  I encourage you to be part of the conversation.  Share your thoughts and your criticisms. Don't hold back.  Respect is necessary, but polite is not demanded.  Perhaps, if we share our views from every corner of the globe, we can make a difference, because it doesn't just matter to Americans--it matters to everyone.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ooh, That Smell!!

  Things this campaign season have been pretty intense, so when I saw this story break on Politico and again on Lawrence O'Donnell, I thought to myself, "Oh good, I can do a light-hearted blog.  Then I really started to think about it.  What's funny on the surface, and does indeed provide a well deserved laugh--underneath is really no laughing matter.
   What happened is this:  Last week, the number two guy on the Romney ticket gave a speech before the AARP in New Orleans.  Paulie took his mom with him (the secret weapon) and proceeded to give his speech as written and instructed by the Romney campaign gurus.  When Rockin' Ryan started talking about repealing Obamacare, the crowd of elderly grandparents turned on him.  He got heckled and boo' front of his mom.  I almost feel sorry for him.  Almost...
   Well this didn't sit too well with the rock star of the Romney ticket.  Roger Simon of reports that Ryan is so fed up with this state of affairs he's taken to calling Mittens by a brand new nickname...The Stench.  This fine new moniker hales from a quote in The New York Times, by Craig Robinson, who is a former political director of the Republican Party in Iowa, who said, "...if Ryan wants to run for national office again he'll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him."  Pretty potent words from a dude from Iowa (even a Republican)!
   So now we have Ryan storming around his posh political bus referring to Big R as The Stench.  (Quoted as saying, If Stench calls tell him I'll call him later.")  Ladies and Gentlemen, we're watching a campaign implode before our very eyes.  Which, from a democrat's point of view is just delicious and I'll have it with a side of fries, please.  It's just desserts for a party who has non-stop vilified our president for the last four years.  It is a big slice of karma pie for the party who has offered nothing but obstructionism to the detriment of the country, vowing that their number one priority was to insure that Obama was a one term president.  The Republican's  inability to put up a viable candidate is a beautiful thing for those of us who long to see progress made.
   The long term is another matter.  The success of our national discourse depends on a vibrant and thriving debate between at least two parties; a good argument can be made for even more voices being heard and with that, I cannot disagree.  What we're seeing here with Paul Ryan's melt down and subsequent turn on his running mate is a breakdown of not just a presidential ticket, but an entire political party.  What will be left of the Republicans after the ballots are cast and Romney jets off to the Caymens to visit his bank accounts and reflect on what can only be considered a shaming in front of the nation?
   No matter what side of the aisle you sit on, there is no doubt that this Republican party is not your father's GOP.  It is a house divided between tea-party extremists and more moderate conservatives.  It serves us well to remember that the tea-party was and is not a grass-roots movement, as it's founders would have us believe.  It is more aptly described as astro-turf--a movement created by the wealthy in order to dupe ordinary Americans into voting against their own best interests.  It has succeeded beyond it's wildest dreams hiding its more sinister motives behind God, Uncle Sam and the notion that a government that asks anything of it's citizens or tries to help any of its living, breathing citizens (not the corporate ones) is nothing more than a bunch of Socialist, Commie Pinko-bastards.  Never mind that the statement makes no sense.  Neither do the protest signs from the tea faction, with their misspellings and deplorable grammar, crying for the abolition of the Big Government Department of Education.
  So, pop some popcorn and watch the wheels of the Romney Campaign wagon come off (or if you will, watch the windows of the campaign plane fly open, more appropriately).  Have a good laugh at Paul Ryan's incremental realization that Romney stench is a lot like skunk, and it's likely going to take a long time to fade.  But take pause to contemplate what's next for our political system, and what's the best way to move forward after this election is part of the history books.  Then pop off an e-mail to your representatives in Congress and tell them what you think, share your ideas with them--because it matters.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

National Register to Vote Day (but don't tell the republicans I told you)

It's very hard to believe that we're only 42 days away from choosing the fate of our country.  I can honestly say (and I have repeatedly) that this is the most important election of my life time.  This is the first election post "Citizens United" (for those of you not paying close attention, that's the Supreme Court decision that says that money is free speech, corporations are people too and "sure--go ahead, if you've got the money, go right ahead and buy a candidate.  They're expensive but they're worth it."  Yep, this is the election where we find out what drives our democracy; people or money.  Mitt Romney and his ultra-wealthy "divine friends, dah-ling" have the money.  What do we ordinary worker bees have?  Numbers.  There are one hell of a lot of more of us than there are them.  All we have to do is one teeny-tiny little thing...participate.
Sure, it seems teeny-tiny when I say it like that, but the truth is, there is a mountain of apathy to overcome.  People feel disenfranchised and far away from our government.  And, to be honest--we are, and we know it.  In 2010, the average winner in a House race spent about 1.4 million dollars.  In a Senate race, the figure skyrockets to about 10 million dollars.  The three top occupations of the members of Congress are career politician, business owner and attorney.  Nearly all members have a college education.  
   Those statistics leave us hard working, blue collar types out of the fold.  How can someone who can whip up a cool mill possibly understand the struggles of people who live below the federal poverty line.  On the campaign trail in 2008, when Hillary Clinton famously failed to extract a cup of cappuccino from a convenience store coffee machine, she proved the didn't have a whole lot in common with the rest of us.  
   So, why bother, you ask, when these people have no concept of how the rest of us live. I know the system isn't perfect.  There are a lot of faults within both parties.  But let's face it...we have to start somewhere.  We have to believe that we can take control away from the big money, special interests and teach these people to work for us again.  The only way to defeat the money is with numbers.  If we don't make a stand now, then all is lost, and the middle class will continue to shrink until there's nothing left but extreme poverty and extreme wealth.
   The other reason to vote is because, simply put--they don't want you to.  The republicans have gone out of their way to make it damned hard for certain demographics to vote.  Those demographics are you and me, friend.  They don't want the working poor, or minorities, or the elderly casting ballots.  They certainly don't want immigrants to vote.  All of those blocks of voters historically vote for democratic candidates.  And while they might be a bit out of touch--they're more on your side than the republicans are.  
   So--today is National Voter Registration Day.  Don't be one of the 6 million American's who are eligible to vote and sit on their asses and do nothing.  Get some skin in the game and help decide the direction of our country.  Because it's yours too.  If you don't participate, you have no right to bitch about it.  And I know how much you love to bitch.
In many areas you are able to register to vote online or a quick trip to your local department of motor vehicles, department of social services or local election board will do the trick.  Take a friend, and once you've registered--VOTE on November 6th.  Show the well-moneyed Romney's of the world that you're not intimidated by their cash.  It's your country and you're taking it back!!

Why Mike Duke is the Problem

  I've finally figured out what the hell is wrong with this country.  I have to admit, I don't know how to fix it, but that's why I'm not running for office.  I am certain that there are some brilliant political minds out there that do.  But the problem is this-- pure, unadulterated, unabashed GREED.  Yep.  That's the problem.  The Mitt Romney's of the world don't have enough money and they want more, more, more until they have it all, I suppose.
   In the United States, CEO's of the top 500 companies make an average of 475 times more than the average worker.  Take a minute and let that sink in.  The suit that sits behind the desk and never gets his hands dirty makes an average of $475 for every buck you make.  You--the person who actually creates a product or performs a service so that CEO can sit behind that desk and push his gold-plated pencil.  It seems to me that the average CEO has lost touch with the symbiotic relationship the executives of a corporation have with the workers of the same.
   Let's look at an example.  Mike Duke, CEO of your favorite corporation and mine--Wally World (also known as Wal-Mart).  Mikey sits behind his mahogany desk all day and makes  $35 million a year.  The average Wally World worker bee is hired at around $8.75 an hour.  First, take note that the worker bee, toiling at her labor doesn't even break out of poverty.  She's still qualified for food stamps and in most cases, Medicaid.  You see--it would cut into Mikey's profit margin to offer his worker bee's a decent health plan.  The health insurance offered by Wal-Mart is pure rubbish (I know- I used to be a Wal-Mart worker bee).  If you opt into that health care plan, you might as well pay Wal-Mart for the privilege of working there.
   To put Mikey's salary into perspective, he makes more on his lunch hour than his worker bees make in a year.  Well he runs one of the largest corporations in the world, you say.  He deserves to be well paid.  Not so fast.  In Britain, the average ratio of chief executive to average worker salary is 22 to 1; in Japan, 11 to 1, in Canada and Italy, 20 to 1, in South Africa (South Africa, for Pete's sake) 21 to 1.  In fact, of all the nations investigated, the highest ratio is found in good old Venezuela, where the average CEO makes $50 bucks for every buck their workers make.  So, here ya go--American exceptionalism at work--woo-hoo!! We're number one!!
   So, back to Wal-Mart.  In fairness, for the most part, Wal-Mart starts it's worker bees at above the federal minimum wage.  Which is more than we can say for a lot of corporations.  Never the less, it isn't enough to raise a family out of poverty.  The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.  The federal poverty threshold for a family of 4 is $23,050 per year.  That works out to about $11.10 per hour.  So our Wal-Mart standard is about $2 off the mark to pull a person out of poverty.  And that's before taxes, FICA and Medicare taxes (not to mention state taxes to boot).  So you're getting the picture--it ain't easy.
   So remember this the next time you hear Mitt Romney spouting off about how poor people are the problem.  When he starts ranting about the 47% who are looking for a handout.  Fuck him.  The problem are the Mike Dukes of the world who make more in a god-damned hour than his workers do in an entire fucking year.  The problem is greed.  And there's a fix for that.  They're called unions who stand up for workers rights.  It's refusing to vote against your own interest.  It's demanding that the United States come into line with the rest of the blessed planet in terms of wage disparity.  It's time to take our futures into our own hands.  Not only are we the 99%, we're the 47% too.  And we're not asking for a handout--we're asking for a fair shake.  Oh, look--I was wrong.  I do know how to fix it after all.  It all starts with casting a single ballot against the idiot that thinks you're the problem and you're not good enough.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Meet Madilynn...

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my grand-daughter, Madilynn.  She just turned one this month, and like every Grammy, I am immensely proud of this little girl.  She is a joy to behold.  She is also Mexican-American and a citizen of the United States of America.  
   Madilynn is also who Mitt Romney was insulting the other day when he sprayed on his orange make up and made an appearance at the Univision Forum.   So, on my grand-daughter's behalf, I have a few things to say to Mitt Romney and his minions.
   First, Mittens, who the fuck do you think you are slapping on ten pounds of Oompa-Loompa orange pancake make-up and standing before a crowd of proud Hispanic people?  Sorry, you worthless waste of oxygen, these people deserve better than your slap-in-the-face insult.  
Don't think it went unnoticed that your whiny campaign staff couldn't find enough students willing to cheer for you on the University of Miami campus. [In case you hadn't heard:  U of M hosted the event, and in keeping with it's educational theme, limited the audience to students of the University.  When Mittens campaign monkeys couldn't find enough students to seal bark for Mittens, they threatened to pull out of the event, forcing organizers to relax the students only rule and permitted Team Privilege to bus in some stooges to make Mittens appear a little more popular than he really is]. 
   It didn't go unnoticed that you lamented that life would be a lot easier for you if you were actually Hispanic instead of just having Daddy imported from Mexico, which didn't seem to score you any points with the Mexican community.  Perhaps it never occurred to you that Mexicans are intelligent, hard working people who are disinclined to vote against their own interests.  Maybe it never occurred to you to not be a disingenuous, elitist, arrogant bastard who looks down on hard working people such as these.  
   Maybe you didn't think anyone was paying attention when you promised to repeal the DREAM act and called for "self deportation" and called Brewer's "Papers Please" law a model for the nation.  You say all of this and then cake on some self-tanner and have the audacity to stand before these people?  You're going to get exactly what you deserve, you arrogant fuck.
    I'm calling you out on your duplicitous bull shit, Romney.  It's time people started calling you what you really are.
   You're a spoiled-rotten little rich, frat boy who is bored and wants to hold the most powerful office in the world.  You're every fucking cartoon villain ever taken down by a superhero.  You're the god-damned Joker, the Penguin and YES--goddamned BANE!!!  The trouble is, Mittens--you're not hurting the fictional citizens of Gotham.  You're hurting real human beings, like my Madilynn.  And I cannot, will not stand for it.  
  Almost 37 percent of the US population is Hispanic or Latino.  No longer will their voices be silenced.  You can try all the voter ID laws and voter suppression tactics you want, but these people will rise up in numbers that will not be denied and they will take their rightful place in the seats of leadership in this country--their country--OUR country.  
   You speak of making life so difficult in this country that these people will just "self deport".  You stand beside the Jan Brewers and Sheriff Joe Arpaio's of this nation, but your days on the national stage are numbered.  There is no room in my country for your kind of discrimination.  We took the first step in electing President Obama, and we will continue to move forward by giving him a Senate and House of Representatives that will work with him.  No longer will we stand in the shadow of your white supremacy.  E Pluribus Unum, Mitt Romney.  Out of many--one.  We come in all colors, all shapes and sizes.  We are stronger than you because we are right and we are justified.  This nation was built on the backs of immigrants.  There's a reason that the Statue of Liberty says "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."  That is what the United States has stood for, and will continue to stand for.  It is who we are--and it doesn't just mean huddled masses of European descent.  By god it means everyone, regardless of color or creed.  This country belongs to all of us, and in case you hadn't noticed, Mittens, there are a lot more of us than there are of you.  
   Sweet little Ann recently said that "this is hard and we should be grateful [that a man of your caliber is willing to run for office]".  Do yourself a favor and take Ann to visit your bank account in the Caymen Islands.  Because I'm not grateful for your bigotry and hatred and disdain.  Not even a little bit.  Ann thinks it's hard now?  Baby, we've got 47 days to go and it hasn't even begun to get hard.  Now you've got the Grammy of a little Latina girl after you, and I will shout and scream and defend that child and her right to stand up and be counted with my last breath.  And I swear to you...I'm made of much stronger stuff than your well-heeled pampered ass.  I dare you to come visit us in Upstate New York.  I dare you--I promise you that Sara Palin's piss poor mama grizzly has nothing on me.  I'm the real deal, and I'm mother-fucking Batman to your Bane.  You and poor little Ann are tired?  Bitch, please--I'm just getting started.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Republicans Hate You and They Think You're Stupid

   You would think there are things we can all agree on, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, geographic location or political affiliation.  I'm not talking about controversial stuff here.  Basic things, like job creation.  Republicans and Democrats may disagree on how to go about it, but we should all be in agreement that we need to jump start job growth in this country.  In fact, in 2010, we all heard a lot of talk from the Teapublicans about jobs, jobs, jobs.  We heard a lot of talk about fiscal responsibility.  They promised us they were the party that loved America best and knew how to guide us out of our long, dark winter of discontent.
   Then came the moment when John Boehner grasped the gavel and wept with joy at the progress his republican led House would make.  He talked about the good ole days at Daddy's bar and reminisced about those wonderful days of yore when the abundance from Reagan trickled down and everyone had a full belly and full pockets to boot.  He talked of all the jobs that would be created with those Bush-era tax breaks extended so that the job creators could do their thing.  He vowed fiscal responsibility and handed Paul Ryan a pen, a calculator and a machete with which to make the necessary cuts that would usher in the new tea-billy age of federal frugality.
   It must have been somewhere between Daddy's bar and the tanning salon that the jobs bills got swiped, for John Boehner and his tea-tastic Republicans introduced 916 pieces of legislation related to women's reproductive rights, and not one--not a single solitary bill related to job creation.  Well, then--I guess the Tea-baggers relied upon Democrats to write the legislation to stimulate job growth and they just cheered those pieces of legislation on through the House and Senate and straight to President Obama's desk to be signed into law, right?  Because they promised us jobs.  Nope.  They effectively blocked every jobs and stimulus bill proposed by anyone with a "D" anywhere near their name.  And if the President supported a piece of legislation?  Not only did they kill the proposal, they ran it out behind the Capital and dug a hole to bury it.
   So common sense legislation, like a bill to help Veterans find work after serving their country were shot down by tea-publicans.  A bill that would end tax breaks to companies that moved jobs overseas and give breaks to companies bringing jobs back into our country was also killed by Republicans.  What it boils down to is this:  Republicans don't give a good god-damn how much you're suffering.  They don't care how many of us are out of work and can't pay our bills.  They don't care if you're going to lose your house, or your car or if your kids go to bed hungry.  What they care about is cock-blocking the black guy.  The entire free world can go to fucking hell in a hand basket, we will NOT have a successful African-American President.  Saint Strom Thurmond, patron saint of the KKK and mascot of Congress would turn in his grave if tea baggers supported a single line of legislation proposed by a black president.
   In a rare moment of candor, Mitch "Turtle-face" McConnell told you as much.  In an interview with cracker network Faux Noise, McConnell said, “Well that is true, [making Obama a one-term President is] my single most important political goal along with every active Republican in the country.  The republican strategy is clear: Sabotage the President and then blame him for the mess.  The republicans aren't working for you, unless, of course, you're one of their filthy-rich benefactors.  They don't give a damn how much you suffer in this economic mess they not only created, but are prolonging.  They could care less how much you have to lose.  They think you're stupid and they can do whatever they damn well please and get away with it.  They're counting on you to be hateful and bigoted enough to ignore your own financial and economic best interest and cast your vote based on the Holy Trinity of the Teapublican party; God, Gays and Guns.
   What it comes down to is this:  Yes the presidency is important, but what is more so is the attitude of the 113th Congress.  Do you prefer a Congress who blatantly states that their number one priority is seeking and retaining political power?  Do you think that companies deserve a tax break for outsourcing American jobs?  Are you appalled that there's a black man in the white house?  If so, then you're a Tea-billy, and you haven't understood the big words anyway.  You are dismissed.  If you're a sane, rational human being who believes that obstructionism is nothing short of treasonous and traitorous, then please, do your part to support your local candidates for Congress on November 6.  It's critical to our continued success as a free and democratic society that we elect representatives who put people above power.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tom Reed, First Class Brown Noser

While most people's attention is turned to the appallingly arrogant and elitist views of Mittens and his disdain for everyone in America who isn't as wealthy as he, I'd like to turn our attention to something even more important; the House and Senate races taking place in November.  If democrats are unable to deliver President Obama a Congress who is willing to move the country forward, we're in trouble.  With obstructionist Republicans vowing that their top priority is assuring Obama is a one-term President (thanks, Mitch McConnell), Obama is unlikely to accomplish much more if we keep the overtly racist, misogynist tea-baggers in office.  
   Which brings our focus to the first-class brown-noser of NY's freshly minted 23rd district, which encompasses a large swath of Upstate, including the cities of Ithaca and Elmira, as well as tiny little villages like mine, Penn Yan.  Meet Tom Reed, Speaker Boehner's favorite dog walker, who proudly declared that he "earned" his seat on the prestigious Ways and Means Committee by walking the weeper-of-the-house's  pooch four days a week.
  Tommy boy got started in Washington by giving his brand new Congressional Healthcare a workout when a blood-clot in his leg (which he ignored until he got that sweet, sweet socialist healthcare, which he voted to deny you and me 33 times)-- traveled to both of his lungs and nearly took his life.  Lucky for Reed that he had that coverage and lived to walk Boehner's pooch another day.
   Our story continues with Reed, tea-bagger darling, who sits as Co-Chairman of the Marcellus Shale Caucus (a group of pro-hydro-fracking lawmakers), voting always within his party ranks, proving that he is more than willing to walk lock step with his tea-bagger cronies and vote how he's told.  Truth be told, Mr. Reed is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Super Pac, his largest fund raising block, at $780,000, well over half of his campaign financing.
  Reed, of course, pulls his considerable weight supporting Paul Ryan's obscene budget proposal, proving that he prefers his budgets balanced on the back of your grandma instead of his Corning Incorporated cronies and his dear, dear friends at the American Petroleum Institute.  Yes, Southern Tier citizens, Uncle Tom favors corporate welfare over giving human beings a leg up in a struggling economy, at a much greater cost to tax payers, of course.
Simply put, Tom Reed is just another Tea-bag drone incapable of independent thought, his seat bought and paid for by corporate special interests, with no interest in you, the voter, what-so-ever.  Don't even get me started on the skinny-dipping (more aptly described as Chunky-dunking) with Congressman Yoder in the Sea of Galilee incident.  Some things are just too embarrassing to talk about.  It seems he, like the rest, was unable to walk on water, however.  No word on water into wine or natural gas.
  Moral of the story?  Get the hell up off your ass and vote.  We need to get Jabba the dog-walking brown-noser out of office.

We Are the 47 Percent! (A Tribute to Mittens)

Dear Mittens: As one of the illustrious 47%, I’d like to talk about you for a moment. Who the actual fuck do you think you are? Oh, that’s right—you don’t think; you have someone on the payroll to do that for you. Where do you get off making assumptions about my expectations about my government? Where the hell do you think you would be without your daddy’s handouts and entitlements? You do realize that he left you that safety net because he knew you were too worthless and weak to survive on your own. He was aware that you were incapable of doing an honest day’s work, no matter the color of the collar wrapped around it. Who tells you what to think, Mittens? It’s obvious to anyone with a scrap of an IQ that your opinion is for sale to the highest bidder. It changes like god-damned Baltimore weather. Who’s holding the Etch-a-Sketch, Mitt? Because it’s clearly too heavy a burden for your worthless ass to bear. You have the unmitigated gall to stand before this nation and tell us you’re running because you love your country. Fuck you for thinking we believe that for a nanosecond. When your country called you to serve, what did you do? That’s right Mittens, you pissed your pants and ran away and let the real men and women of this country do the work, because your over-blown sense of self-importance wouldn’t allow you the courage to do what real people of this nation do every god-damned day. You were a missionary? Fuck you again, Mittens. God should be ashamed of your pathetic ass. Real missionaries perform a service to those less fortunate. Even when it’s carrying the message of their beliefs, it is done in the spirit of caring for another human being’s soul. And caring is something you know nothing of. You’re incapable of such a selfless characteristic. You treat the presidency like a shiny new toy that you covet and your campaign is tantamount to a toddler’s tantrum. You’ll hold your breath and kick and scream until you get what you want. Well, not this time, you arrogant, elitist, worthless imbecile. You can capitalize on the back-water, red-neck, racist stupidity. You can count on the vote of wealthy old white men. Just in case you hadn’t heard, Mitt—the rich white guys are only one percent of the US population and the racists are too ignorant to vote in numbers that have any significance. The rest of us are going to rise up on election day and say something to you that you’ve never heard before in your privileged life—NO. And not just no but HELL NO!! You see, Mittens, we may not have a lot of money, but we have dignity, and we have intelligence and we do things that matter every single day. We affect the world around us and we make a difference. You, on the other hand, have lead a life that is completely inconsequential. If you dropped dead this moment, after the collective sigh of relief from the republican party, no one on planet Earth would remember your name, because you
nothing, and you’ve
nothing that matters. You’re nothing but a spoiled-rotten little rich bully. On November 6th, we’re going to stand up to you, and in true Romney fashion—you’ll turn tail and run away again. The presidency of the United States isn’t up for sale to the highest bidder, Mittens. No matter what your rich pals tell you. Watch your back, spoiled little rich kid. You’ve just pissed off everyone. And your white-bread friends from the country club? They don’t like you either.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Open Letter to Donald Trump and his minions...

Dear Donald and Company,

Allow me to enlighten you. If you honestly believe that OUR President, Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, or any other African country or another planet for that matter and you think he is a Muslim--you are a racist. Yes, you. Racist. Bigot. Coward. You're too insecure about your own identity to accept that someone who doesn't look like you is the leader of the free world. You're too short-sighted, narrow-minded and frankly, ignorant to have a conversation (let alone a debate) about any relevant issues, so you and your Klan loving cronies flip your hoods over your heads and invent this utterly ridiculous non-issue and cling to it like a life raft. You're pathetic, repulsive, woefully ignorant and to be perfectly honest, a waste of perfectly good oxygen. Do all of the intelligent, thinking people of this country a favor: When we re-elect President Obama (and we will...count on it), kindly jump off of the nearest tall building and plunge to your demise, or just simply keep your promise and move to another country. America has all the red-necked, trailer-trash, Jeebus loving freaks it can handle. And while the rest of us are creating solutions to real world problems the rest of you can sit back and sip yer kool-aid and catch an episode of Maury so you can deal with YOUR real world problem--who da baby daddy?

You're not welcome in my country anymore because you've abused the privilege of citizenship with your ignorance and oh-so-thinly-veiled bigotry. You're a significant part of the problem and you're embarrassing the rest of us in front of the world. For all of our sake, clean the gene pool a little and fucking kill yourselves.

* Disclosure: This "rant" originally appeared as a response comment to a post made by a facebook blogger named Surly Thor, who was being flamed by a "birther". The comment received many "likes" and another facebooker suggested I deserved a parade on Asgard AND Midgard. I must confess, I like that idea, I'm a big fan of parades. For that reason, I decided to share it with you here as well. With a little 'spit and polish', of course.

Kindly to share your thoughts here (or join the parade committee)!!

Non-partisan love to ya!!