Dear Senator McCain:
You've managed to get yourself front and center of the cameras again and at this point, I've no doubt that you're feeling pretty proud of yourself. You and Lindsey Graham have hatched yourselves a plan and it seems to be coming together without a hitch. I thought you might like to know what's on the minds of the people of America. By that, I mean the real, thinking people in this country that aren't glued to Fox News and get their information from a number of different sources. Those of us with minds who are capable of independent thought.
I should probably address this letter to Lindsey Graham as well, since he's your partner in crime for your current escapade, but you see, I don't have a very high opinion of Graham. He's spent 17 years in the House and Senate and he's done absolutely nothing but serve his own interests and line his own pockets. He was worthless on the very first day he was elected, he's even more so now and absolutely every breath he draws is a waste of oxygen. There's no point in directing my comments toward him other than to tell him that he'd feel so much better if he'd just step out of the closet and into the sunshine with the rest of us. You, Senator McCain--are another matter. Once upon a time you were a noble and decent human being--but no more.
Need I remind you that we are a nation at WAR? You remember what war is, don't you John? You spent some time as a prisoner of war once, as I recall. You claim that you were beaten and tortured in service to your country. I'd like to know what happened to the man who had the strength of character to endure such abuse for his country; because the man who held a press conference yesterday whining and complaining about the lack of information regarding Benghazi has no character to speak of. By the way, did anyone mention to you that while you were posturing for the cameras for the sake of your party there was an actual briefing about Benghazi going on. Yeah, you missed that didn't you? It stripped your complaints of any real meaning.
While you were barking and ranting for Fox News and trying desperately to make up a scandal where there is none, our men and women in Afghanistan were fighting for their lives another day. Did you know that since 2001, 460 Americans have lost multiple limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan? Since 2010, there have been 36 triple amputees and four quadruple amputees that came home from Afghanistan. I'll give you a minute to let that sink in.
Now I'm going to tell you what a worthless piece of trash you have become. While you're posturing for the cameras trying to trump up a scandal, real human beings--real American human beings are fighting and dying in a WAR you don't even remember is going on. For those who do make it home, including those who have sacrificed all four of their limbs, you are so busy getting down on your knees for Reince Priebus that you don't even notice them. Or maybe you just don't care. You and your party have filibustered bills that benefit veterans. You do remember what veterans are, don't you? You used to be one. Given your recent behavior after your failed attempt to be president, you don't deserve that designation anymore. Your recent behavior on behalf of your party has stripped you of any honor your previous service to your country may have brought you. You don't deserve to be considered in the category with real men an women who have fought for their country. At one time you may have deserved the respect of the rest of us for your sacrifice, but no more. To use George W. Bush's phrase--you spent that capital.
Do you remember trotting out Sarah Palin as your vice presidential nominee? I remember it, John, and let me tell you that since you pulled that stunt, going after Susan Rice is utterly laughable. Who in the hell do you think you are, old man? Sarah Palin barely has a college degree and doesn't have the common sense god gave a goose, and you're sniping about Ambassador Rice? I promise you-- that move was as transparent as it gets. If any of us had any doubts about your grudge against the President, you cleared them up for us with that bit of bull-shit. You picked Sarah Palin to be a heart-beat away from running this country. That gives me the right to tell you to sit down and shut the hell up.
You've embarrassed yourself enough with your moral outrage and self-righteous indignation. No one buys your crap anymore. You've dishonored yourself and your service to your country that once meant so much. No one with a brain has any respect for you anymore, and honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. The rest of your final term in the Senate can't end soon enough. You have no business in our government at any level. You're not fit to lead a pack of dogs, much less be a part of the leadership of our nation. If you have a shred of dignity left, you'll haul your ass over to Walter Reed and salute the real heroes who deserve our respect for their sacrifices. Maybe you can earn back a little of the respect the country once had for you.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't have said it better