Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meet the Candidates (part 1)

As we near the election, I want to take a closer look at some of the local races across the country.  The composition of the Congress matters as much as the Presidential election.  We must have a Congress that is willing to work with President Obama.  Obstructionism must be stopped.  I'm working off of a program by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee called Red to Blue and I'm going to highlight some of the candidates in that category, as well as some of the candidates in their Emerging Races category as well.  From now until the election, I'll be writing to you in blue, to encourage people to "Vote straight blue."   I'll give my endorsements in a number of races of national interest in the weeks to come.  And now...lets meet the candidates!

Nate Shinagawa, (D, NY 23)

I'm starting the meet the candidates feature in my own back yard.  Welcome to the Finger Lakes region of Upstate NY!  I live in a beautiful place, with its rolling hills, amazing lakes and miles and miles of grapes.  We're best known for our wine, apples, Cornell University, The Helluva Good Dips at the Glen NASCAR race, and below the surface--natural gas.
We in the Finger Lakes share common concerns with the rest of the country on job creation, the economy, health care and the budget deficit.  The big issue in New York's newly created 23rd district however, is hydro-fracking.  In case you haven't heard of it, hydro-fracking, simply stated, is a process of extracting natural gas by sending chemically laden  water into the ground to bust up the shale beneath the surface to release the natural gas.  It is the cheapest and most expedient method of natural gas extraction.  It also causes the most environmental harm.  Currently, we're holding the big gas companies at arms length in an effort to determine the best way to proceed.
Nate Shinagawa is the Democratic candidate for the House in NY-23.  His background is in Hospital administration.  He has served in the Tompkins County Legislature for a number of years and is currently the Vice-Chair.  You can read Nate's bio on his website  Now let's cut to the chase, shall we?

Nate Shinagawa, Candidate, NY-23
I've met Nate Shinagawa on a couple of different occasions.  In the interest of full disclosure, I am an un-paid volunteer for the Nate Shinagawa campaign, via the Yates County Democratic Committee, whom I also volunteer for.  I've heard Nate speak, and I've talked to him personally.  Let me tell you about him on a human level.
The most distinct thing about Nate Shinagawa is his understanding.  He has a grasp and depth of understanding of the issues that are on all of our minds, Democrat and Republican alike.  He brings a unique perspective to the issue of healthcare given his background at Guthrie (one of the finest hospital systems in the country).  He sees the issue from both sides.  He has an understanding and compassionate concern for the economic situation in our region of New York.  When Sikorsky announced it was closing it's plant in the district, Nate was there--talking to the workers and finding out what was on their minds, and asking how he could best help.  He was listening.  

Spend ten minutes with him, and you'll see that Nate has a passion for people.  Shake his hand, and he wants to hear your ideas.  He's a strong and effective leader who commands a room with his dynamic energy.  The man is a bundle of positive energy, and he excites you and engages you and're not just a supporter--you're a believer!! He makes you believe that with the right people and the right attitude, we can make things better, we can continue to move forward.  This man is going to make it happen!  

He's been across this district, back and then back again.  He's visiting every little town and village.  He's connecting our tiny little dots and suddenly, we are one in this district.  We have a common purpose.  At the end of the day we all want the same things; good schools for our kids, stability for our families.  A nice place to live...which brings us to the subject of hydro-fracking.  

Here in the Finger Lakes, as around the country, we need to emphasize job growth.  The big gas companies are knocking at our door.  We need someone to represent us that we can trust to balance our need for jobs with the absolutely essential need to protect our environment.  Irresponsible hydro-fracking not only threatens the natural beauty of our area--it threatens our agriculture industry, our tourism, which is vital to our local economies, and our health.  We need a strong and independent voice in Washington to represent the interests of the people of our district.  

On that note, we must look at Representative Reed, our Freshman Congressman.  He's a Tea Party darling who once joked that he earned his seat on the prestigious Ways and Means Committee by walking Speaker Boehner's dog four times a week.  One look at his financial disclosures shows us who Tom Reed represents in Washington.  One only has to look at who's financing his re-election campaign to get a clear picture.  As of June, 2012 (the last available data), PAC money accounted for 54% of Reed's campaign funds.  Only 3% was attributed to small contributions.  Nate Shinagawa's campaign disclosures reveal only 9% of his total contributions were from political action committees.  87% of Nate's donations were small and large individual contributions.  4% of his totals were self financed.  Nate's investment in himself, his investment in us.  Tom Reed did not invest in himself.  Tom Reed has not invested in us--in our communities.  

At the end of the day we have to realize that when PAC's and individuals donate to a candidate, it is an investment.  They're going to want a return on that investment.  Tom Reed owes a debt to the PAC's.  Nate Shinagawa answers to us.  

Don't you think it's time that we have representation here in the Southern Tier?  Someone who actually represents our interests?  Tom Reed went to Washington and immediately picked up his party line.  He voted lock-step with his party and his PAC's.  I think it's time that we have some fresh and exciting ideas in DC.  A man with a passion for the people of the 23rd District of NY.  I encourage you to step into that booth on November 6th and make a bold choice.  Please cast your vote for Nate Shinagawa.  He's one of us, and he's working for us.  Make a contribution to Nate's campaign

** Disclaimer--This blog is strictly my opinion.  It is not endorsed by any of the candidates or their campaigns.  Each candidate spotlighted in this series is thoroughly researched and presented in the fairest light possible.  

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