I know I haven't written for a while, and I'm sorry for it (this seems to be a recurring theme, I think)! I suppose I should just go ahead and share with you that I'm suffering a form of writers block--an overwhelming sense of frustration and deep-seeded anger. Yep, I'm just pissed off beyond belief, it's as simple as that. It's hard to write anything reasonable when I'm fuming, and I've been fuming a lot lately.
Have you noticed that the mouthpieces of the right-wing want Americans to believe that having an education is a bad thing? They call us elitists and snobs now. Riiigghhttt...so being uneducated, illiterate and ignorant about the world around us is a good thing?! I'm sorry, you'll never convince me of that, no matter how much super-pac money you invest in the slickly produced advertisements to convince me it is so. It isn't that view that infuriates me as much as it is the idiots who buy into it. Ignorance breeds apathy, and an ignorant, apathetic electorate is one who is easily duped into believing that election day has been rescheduled. The demonization of education enrages me in ways I can't even put into words.
The latest evil plot by Reince Priebus and his RNC lackeys infuriates me as well. Let me put this in very simple language that even our teapublican horses-ass fellow American's understand...If you're worried about The United States of America becoming an anti-democratic regime and if you're looking at President Obama and watching out for him to make a grand power grab, you're looking in the wrong direction. It's your party that's desperately trying to eliminate the voting rights of the masses, sweetheart...not mine.
The Republican Party's new creed is, "If we can't beat 'em, we'll change the rules so they can't beat us." The fundamental question here is this: Do you believe in the right of every citizen of the United States over the age of 18 to cast a vote to elect our leadership in this country? Or do you believe that only people who think like you, look like you and believe like you should be allowed to cast a vote because you're right and god says so. If your answer is the latter, congratulations! You're a fascist and you don't believe in democracy. The rest of us (the real patriots of this nation) believe that everyone is entitled to vote, whether they agree with our particular point of view or not. We believe that all American's should have a voice, and we accept that the god we believe in may not be the god you believe in and we respect your choice. If you don't, you're a fascist--simple as that, and it's you who are the enemy.
Let me also point out this little bit of reality: Perhaps you're okay with restricting the vote of people who don't look like you, and who hold different views, and who don't believe as you do, but be careful. All those people who are telling you that education is elitist and snobbery are people who actually already have very prestigious degrees hanging on their walls. They're not going to be satisfied by disenfranchising minority votes and urban votes for long. Eventually, they're going to come for your vote too--because you're not educated enough, or you don't earn enough money, or you don't own property or because you're a woman. Pick a reason. You want to talk about slippery slopes? Baby, you're on one.
While we're on the subject of voting...one of the things that really "burns my bird" these days are the arrogant jackasses who are opposed to universal background checks for firearms, yet insist on 37 forms of identification and a dna sample to cast a ballot. Really?! Spock would slap you clean back to Vulcan for that assault on logic.
As you can imagine, there are a lot of other things that are flat out pissing me off these days, but that's enough for now. The POTUS is going to deliver the SOTU tonight in front of Steve Stockman's favorite patriot, Ted " Pedophile" Nugent. I'll save some ire for the festivities. I'll be back soon, cross my heart!
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