Tuesday, October 23, 2012

14 days!!

Well, we've ticked another week off of our countdown to the election.  The Presidential debates are over and we've only got 14 days to go before the main event--election day.  In order to pass the time, I've come up with a new feature.  First up...7 reasons I'm not voting for Mitt Romney.  Then in the week preceding the election, 7 reasons I'm voting for Obama.  We'll still be taking a look at events as they happen, but we'll be doing this as well.  As The Doctor says...Allons-y!!

Seven Reasons I'm Not Voting for Mitt Romney-Reason #1

I'm a woman.  Yep, it's true, I'm a lady.  I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, etc..  Mitt Romney and company do not respect women.  This time, I'm not sure that it's so much Mittens himself.  Who the hell knows where he stands on women's issues, really?  Except that we know that he has binders full of us.  Let me be honest here; if nobody puts Baby in a corner, they sure as hell aren't going to stuff me in a binder.  Then there's the whole Paul Ryan issue.  Paulie is as misogynistic as they come.  He's the damned president of the He-Man-Woman-Haters-Club.  

Paul Ryan voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009.  So, he's okay with women making 28 cents less per dollar than a man makes.  

He voted for legislation that would have granted health care providers the right to refuse to provide emergency abortion care, even if the life of the woman is in danger.  He's comfortable with making children orphans because the unborn has more rights than the mother and her existing family.

 Ryan is in favor of eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood Centers.  One in five women in the US receive services from Planned Parenthood.  A lot of those services are preventive measures, such as cancer screening.  For many low-income women, it is their only access to health care services.  Paul Ryan is a champion of women getting cancer and not having a way to find out in time to get treatment.  He's also not a fan of family planning.  

He called rape just another form of conception.  Ryan is so anti-abortion, he doesn't care if the fetus a woman is carrying is the product of a brutal attack.  He feels he has the right to force (via legislation) a woman to carry the product of a violent, forcible rape to term, and then (in 31 states in the nation) face her attacker on a regular basis as she is mandated to grant him visitation rights to the child.  I wonder how he'd feel if it happened (heavens forbid) to his daughter?  

Ryan also co-sponsored person-hood legislation that grants the rights of a living person to a fertilized egg (even if it hasn't resulted in a pregnancy yet).  This legislation could make surgery to remove ectopic pregnancies illegal.  It would also make hormone based contraceptives (the pill, the shot, etc.) illegal, as well as many aspects of in vitro fertilization.  I wonder how Romney feels about this.  He has in vitro grandkids, you know.

Both Romney and Ryan plan to gut social safety net programs such as SNAP (food stamps), medicaid and Head Start programs that benefit low income families as well as single parent households.  Don't even get me started on Social Security and Medicare, which they want to privatize, thus ending Medicare's guarantee of coverage and handing Social Security checks to the goons on Wall Street to gamble with.  Paul Ryan loves unborn kids.  It's once they're out of the womb that they become a drain on society.  No help for you, kids.  And Grandma?  He'd really be glad if you'd just check out asap.  Medicare is unsustainable and it's getting on his nerves.

Are these guys for real?  Are you kidding me?  We didn't even get into the issues of the party that they now head, with Todd Akin's legitimate rape, or Ryan's plan to re-define rape. We didn't bring up the Governor of Virginia who was a fan of forcing women to undergo trans-vaginal ultrasounds that are medically unnecessary if she exercised her constitutional right to an abortion, for what ever reason.  It was tantamount to state sanctioned rape via medical probe (it also got shot down, causing McDonnell to lose any shot at the VP nod).  Not to mention the voice of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut because she dared to stand up for her rights.  In a nutshell, if you have a uterus, or ever had a uterus--these two people are not your friend.  Run screaming for the hills into the Obama camp and stay very far away from the misogynist duo that is Romney/Ryan.  As far as you're concerned...they think you need to stay barefoot and pregnant.  And they want you to make them a sammich.  

So, if you're a woman, you know they're not on your side.  If you're a man.  Do you have a mother, a wife, sister, daughter, Auntie or a crazy lady next door with 20 cats?  Show her some love and stand strong with the women in your life.  We've earned it.  We women are amazing and let's face it--you know that the love of a good woman makes life worth living.  Show us how much we mean to you.  Don't vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.  Let them know that women have a right to make their own health care choices.  Let them know that rape is rape and it's not just another means of conception--it's a despicable act of violence.  Let them know that your wife and daughter deserve equal pay to any man.  Show Romney and Ryan what a real man does.  We need your support, and honestly, a vote for Romney is a vote to relegate women to second class citizenship. I know we mean more to you than that.  You know we've got your backs.  We live with you, and we love you anyway!!

And that, my friends, is reason number one why I'm not voting for Mitt Romney.  I'm a woman.  I have daughters.  I have a grand-daughter.  And I'll be damned if I'll let Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan step all over their rights...or mine.

Until tomorrow...just say no to Republican Kool-aid!!


  1. Well said. We'd be not only electing a Republican into the White House, but in our uteruses. And without a drink or a roofie to boot!

    1. Thanks, Grace. What the Republicans plan to do to women is flat out frightening. They fully intend to impose their religious agenda on the entire nation. I can't help but think that it's only a matter of time before we're forced to wear burqas.

  2. As an adopted child people may find it strange that I am pro choice.I could have been aborted but I was given to a family who loved me. I cannot believe that Mitt wants to take us back to a foreign policy of the 1980's, a social policy of the 1950's and an economic policy that brought us the great depression.
    Mitt and Paul want any fetus carried to term and then they are on their own. They want to gut Social Security (which we live on), take away my Medicare which without I would just die because my medicine is paid for by Medicare and some with Medicaid another program they want to get rid of.
    They want to lower taxes with no plan as to how to pay for it. They want to increase Defence spending, translation they want to start another war to help Haliburton, which Romney owns stock in. The Romney Ryan ticket is just a turn back to the Bush/Cheney Administration, but on Steriods.

    1. The truth is no one is pro-abortion. Personally, I'm pro-as few abortions as possible. I acknowledge that I have no right to impose my personal set of values on another person. The key to less abortion is greater access to family planning services. Something Repub's desperately want to cut. Every aspect of domestic policy, and even foreign policy affects women. It all goes hand in hand.

    2. I believe Veep Biden said it best. (Paraphrasing) I am a Catholic I don't believe in abortions, but I don't feel the need to push my values and morals (which mitt and his republican cronies are lacking) onto anyone else. My views are my own and everyone has the right to choose. I believe in these ideals. I totally agree with you the best way to lower the abortion rate is to have greater access to family planning. The republicans don't get that and most likely never will. I wish there was a magic pill that could revert them back to the republicans of the 60's atleast post McCarthy. And please let us get the current McCarthy's out of the house ... Peter King and Michelle Bachmann. But as you say that is another blog.

  3. One of these days I'll tear in to Michelle Bachmann, but that's a whole lot of crazy to jump into, and I've got enough crazy with the upcoming election. Don't worry, she'll be just as nuts after the election. Hopefully by then she'll be a non-issue. Same with King-only he's not crazy, he's an angry bigot with an agenda. Vile to the core.
