Sunday, September 9, 2012

An Open Letter to Donald Trump and his minions...

Dear Donald and Company,

Allow me to enlighten you. If you honestly believe that OUR President, Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, or any other African country or another planet for that matter and you think he is a Muslim--you are a racist. Yes, you. Racist. Bigot. Coward. You're too insecure about your own identity to accept that someone who doesn't look like you is the leader of the free world. You're too short-sighted, narrow-minded and frankly, ignorant to have a conversation (let alone a debate) about any relevant issues, so you and your Klan loving cronies flip your hoods over your heads and invent this utterly ridiculous non-issue and cling to it like a life raft. You're pathetic, repulsive, woefully ignorant and to be perfectly honest, a waste of perfectly good oxygen. Do all of the intelligent, thinking people of this country a favor: When we re-elect President Obama (and we will...count on it), kindly jump off of the nearest tall building and plunge to your demise, or just simply keep your promise and move to another country. America has all the red-necked, trailer-trash, Jeebus loving freaks it can handle. And while the rest of us are creating solutions to real world problems the rest of you can sit back and sip yer kool-aid and catch an episode of Maury so you can deal with YOUR real world problem--who da baby daddy?

You're not welcome in my country anymore because you've abused the privilege of citizenship with your ignorance and oh-so-thinly-veiled bigotry. You're a significant part of the problem and you're embarrassing the rest of us in front of the world. For all of our sake, clean the gene pool a little and fucking kill yourselves.

* Disclosure: This "rant" originally appeared as a response comment to a post made by a facebook blogger named Surly Thor, who was being flamed by a "birther". The comment received many "likes" and another facebooker suggested I deserved a parade on Asgard AND Midgard. I must confess, I like that idea, I'm a big fan of parades. For that reason, I decided to share it with you here as well. With a little 'spit and polish', of course.

Kindly to share your thoughts here (or join the parade committee)!!

Non-partisan love to ya!!

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