Saturday, September 22, 2012

Meet Madilynn...

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my grand-daughter, Madilynn.  She just turned one this month, and like every Grammy, I am immensely proud of this little girl.  She is a joy to behold.  She is also Mexican-American and a citizen of the United States of America.  
   Madilynn is also who Mitt Romney was insulting the other day when he sprayed on his orange make up and made an appearance at the Univision Forum.   So, on my grand-daughter's behalf, I have a few things to say to Mitt Romney and his minions.
   First, Mittens, who the fuck do you think you are slapping on ten pounds of Oompa-Loompa orange pancake make-up and standing before a crowd of proud Hispanic people?  Sorry, you worthless waste of oxygen, these people deserve better than your slap-in-the-face insult.  
Don't think it went unnoticed that your whiny campaign staff couldn't find enough students willing to cheer for you on the University of Miami campus. [In case you hadn't heard:  U of M hosted the event, and in keeping with it's educational theme, limited the audience to students of the University.  When Mittens campaign monkeys couldn't find enough students to seal bark for Mittens, they threatened to pull out of the event, forcing organizers to relax the students only rule and permitted Team Privilege to bus in some stooges to make Mittens appear a little more popular than he really is]. 
   It didn't go unnoticed that you lamented that life would be a lot easier for you if you were actually Hispanic instead of just having Daddy imported from Mexico, which didn't seem to score you any points with the Mexican community.  Perhaps it never occurred to you that Mexicans are intelligent, hard working people who are disinclined to vote against their own interests.  Maybe it never occurred to you to not be a disingenuous, elitist, arrogant bastard who looks down on hard working people such as these.  
   Maybe you didn't think anyone was paying attention when you promised to repeal the DREAM act and called for "self deportation" and called Brewer's "Papers Please" law a model for the nation.  You say all of this and then cake on some self-tanner and have the audacity to stand before these people?  You're going to get exactly what you deserve, you arrogant fuck.
    I'm calling you out on your duplicitous bull shit, Romney.  It's time people started calling you what you really are.
   You're a spoiled-rotten little rich, frat boy who is bored and wants to hold the most powerful office in the world.  You're every fucking cartoon villain ever taken down by a superhero.  You're the god-damned Joker, the Penguin and YES--goddamned BANE!!!  The trouble is, Mittens--you're not hurting the fictional citizens of Gotham.  You're hurting real human beings, like my Madilynn.  And I cannot, will not stand for it.  
  Almost 37 percent of the US population is Hispanic or Latino.  No longer will their voices be silenced.  You can try all the voter ID laws and voter suppression tactics you want, but these people will rise up in numbers that will not be denied and they will take their rightful place in the seats of leadership in this country--their country--OUR country.  
   You speak of making life so difficult in this country that these people will just "self deport".  You stand beside the Jan Brewers and Sheriff Joe Arpaio's of this nation, but your days on the national stage are numbered.  There is no room in my country for your kind of discrimination.  We took the first step in electing President Obama, and we will continue to move forward by giving him a Senate and House of Representatives that will work with him.  No longer will we stand in the shadow of your white supremacy.  E Pluribus Unum, Mitt Romney.  Out of many--one.  We come in all colors, all shapes and sizes.  We are stronger than you because we are right and we are justified.  This nation was built on the backs of immigrants.  There's a reason that the Statue of Liberty says "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."  That is what the United States has stood for, and will continue to stand for.  It is who we are--and it doesn't just mean huddled masses of European descent.  By god it means everyone, regardless of color or creed.  This country belongs to all of us, and in case you hadn't noticed, Mittens, there are a lot more of us than there are of you.  
   Sweet little Ann recently said that "this is hard and we should be grateful [that a man of your caliber is willing to run for office]".  Do yourself a favor and take Ann to visit your bank account in the Caymen Islands.  Because I'm not grateful for your bigotry and hatred and disdain.  Not even a little bit.  Ann thinks it's hard now?  Baby, we've got 47 days to go and it hasn't even begun to get hard.  Now you've got the Grammy of a little Latina girl after you, and I will shout and scream and defend that child and her right to stand up and be counted with my last breath.  And I swear to you...I'm made of much stronger stuff than your well-heeled pampered ass.  I dare you to come visit us in Upstate New York.  I dare you--I promise you that Sara Palin's piss poor mama grizzly has nothing on me.  I'm the real deal, and I'm mother-fucking Batman to your Bane.  You and poor little Ann are tired?  Bitch, please--I'm just getting started.

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