Friday, September 28, 2012

Republicans Refuse to Support our Troops

  There's plenty to disagree on in this country politically, there is no doubt.  Yet there are also some things that you would think both parties can come together on without question or debate.  There are some subjects that are sacred to the American people.  The members of the American military who protect and defend us are one such subject.  You would think.  Although support for the war in Afghanistan has waned, our support for the members of our Armed Services has not.  Nor should it.  
   Back in July of this year, when the nut jobs of the Westboro Baptist Church decided it would be a good idea to protest a military funeral, more than 650 people gathered to form a human wall to allow the friends and family of the fallen the opportunity to grieve without harassment.  In fact, after the Supreme Court ruled that Westboro had the Constitutional right to protest at the funerals of fallen soldiers, Congress came together to pass legislation restricting protests at Military funerals, forbidding protests two hours before and after funerals and not allowing them within a distance of 300 feet.  President Obama signed the bill into law.  
  This knowledge makes it all the more puzzling, and frankly, infuriating to know what the Republican obstructionists in the Senate are doing now.  Yesterday it was reported that an anonymous Republican Senator blocked a bill that gives a cost of living adjustment to the death benefit to disabled Veterans and surviving spouses and the children of soldiers who lost their lives in service to our country.  Yes, you read that right.  One cowardly Republican Senator (who is too chicken-hearted to take credit for his or her actions) blocked this legislation.
   This party who supported President Bush in his rush to crank up the war machine, this party who favors sending our sons and daughters, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters into harms way opposes increasing a death benefit that amounts to no more than $500 for 3.9 million surviving spouses and disabled vets.  Are you fucking kidding me?  
This party, now led by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who propose, if elected, to give the Pentagon more money (a lot more money) than it is requesting to feed the machinery of war (also known as Halliburton)--refuses to give a simple COLA to widows and widowers and the kids who lost a parent.  They refuse to give a COLA to those brave men and women who sacrificed their healthy bodies and minds to run that very war machine.  
  Remember that when you go to the polls on November 6th.  And remember that it was Republicans who filibustered the bill to help Veterans find jobs when they return home from their service.  A bill that was fully funded and would cost tax payers nothing.  Two pieces of vital legislation have been blocked because the Republicans are far more interested in political power and furthering their only agenda--obstructing President Obama.  All the while, they sit back and squawk about the President's failed policies.  Policies that failed because THEY MADE THEM FAIL.  Think about that when you make your choices on election day.  Especially in your local Congressional races.  Some gave all...and then some refused to give anything.  Even to the best and bravest our country has to offer.  The defenders of our freedom, and the families who made the ultimate sacrifice.   This man, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican minions refuse to support our troops, because their number one priority is making sure that President Obama is a one term president.

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