Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Republicans Hate You and They Think You're Stupid

   You would think there are things we can all agree on, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, geographic location or political affiliation.  I'm not talking about controversial stuff here.  Basic things, like job creation.  Republicans and Democrats may disagree on how to go about it, but we should all be in agreement that we need to jump start job growth in this country.  In fact, in 2010, we all heard a lot of talk from the Teapublicans about jobs, jobs, jobs.  We heard a lot of talk about fiscal responsibility.  They promised us they were the party that loved America best and knew how to guide us out of our long, dark winter of discontent.
   Then came the moment when John Boehner grasped the gavel and wept with joy at the progress his republican led House would make.  He talked about the good ole days at Daddy's bar and reminisced about those wonderful days of yore when the abundance from Reagan trickled down and everyone had a full belly and full pockets to boot.  He talked of all the jobs that would be created with those Bush-era tax breaks extended so that the job creators could do their thing.  He vowed fiscal responsibility and handed Paul Ryan a pen, a calculator and a machete with which to make the necessary cuts that would usher in the new tea-billy age of federal frugality.
   It must have been somewhere between Daddy's bar and the tanning salon that the jobs bills got swiped, for John Boehner and his tea-tastic Republicans introduced 916 pieces of legislation related to women's reproductive rights, and not one--not a single solitary bill related to job creation.  Well, then--I guess the Tea-baggers relied upon Democrats to write the legislation to stimulate job growth and they just cheered those pieces of legislation on through the House and Senate and straight to President Obama's desk to be signed into law, right?  Because they promised us jobs.  Nope.  They effectively blocked every jobs and stimulus bill proposed by anyone with a "D" anywhere near their name.  And if the President supported a piece of legislation?  Not only did they kill the proposal, they ran it out behind the Capital and dug a hole to bury it.
   So common sense legislation, like a bill to help Veterans find work after serving their country were shot down by tea-publicans.  A bill that would end tax breaks to companies that moved jobs overseas and give breaks to companies bringing jobs back into our country was also killed by Republicans.  What it boils down to is this:  Republicans don't give a good god-damn how much you're suffering.  They don't care how many of us are out of work and can't pay our bills.  They don't care if you're going to lose your house, or your car or if your kids go to bed hungry.  What they care about is cock-blocking the black guy.  The entire free world can go to fucking hell in a hand basket, we will NOT have a successful African-American President.  Saint Strom Thurmond, patron saint of the KKK and mascot of Congress would turn in his grave if tea baggers supported a single line of legislation proposed by a black president.
   In a rare moment of candor, Mitch "Turtle-face" McConnell told you as much.  In an interview with cracker network Faux Noise, McConnell said, “Well that is true, [making Obama a one-term President is] my single most important political goal along with every active Republican in the country.  The republican strategy is clear: Sabotage the President and then blame him for the mess.  The republicans aren't working for you, unless, of course, you're one of their filthy-rich benefactors.  They don't give a damn how much you suffer in this economic mess they not only created, but are prolonging.  They could care less how much you have to lose.  They think you're stupid and they can do whatever they damn well please and get away with it.  They're counting on you to be hateful and bigoted enough to ignore your own financial and economic best interest and cast your vote based on the Holy Trinity of the Teapublican party; God, Gays and Guns.
   What it comes down to is this:  Yes the presidency is important, but what is more so is the attitude of the 113th Congress.  Do you prefer a Congress who blatantly states that their number one priority is seeking and retaining political power?  Do you think that companies deserve a tax break for outsourcing American jobs?  Are you appalled that there's a black man in the white house?  If so, then you're a Tea-billy, and you haven't understood the big words anyway.  You are dismissed.  If you're a sane, rational human being who believes that obstructionism is nothing short of treasonous and traitorous, then please, do your part to support your local candidates for Congress on November 6.  It's critical to our continued success as a free and democratic society that we elect representatives who put people above power.

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