7 Reasons I'm Not Voting For Mitt Romney-Reason #2
I Don't Trust Him
Alexander Hamilton famously said, "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." I believe that to be a profound piece of wisdom. Throughout this campaign, Mitt has stood for everything, and in my estimation, that means he stands for nothing. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: throughout this campaign, Romney has made it pretty clear that he views the Presidency as an object to obtain--another line to add to his resume. His impetus to run came not from a deep love of country or a profound sense of duty or even a call to care for the American people. The office is a shiny new toy that a spoiled little rich kid covets; and he's used to getting what he wants. Therefore, I don't trust him. Let me give you some specifics, a concept Mitt seems to be allergic to.
With the debate on foreign policy so fresh in our minds, it's common sense to make that my first point. For months, Romney has preached to his choir about setting a time line for pulling our troops out of Afghanistan being a bad thing. In an article in the USA Today, Romney said the President was misguided for announcing a withdrawal date to the enemy. In the debate with President Obama, he said, "...When I'm President, we'll make sure we bring our troops out by the end of 2014."
Romney believes that Russia is our number one geopolitical foe. He believes them to be more dangerous than al Qaida, North Korea and Iran. Hell, he still refers to Russians as "Soviets", prompting the President to quip that the 80's called and want their foreign policy back. He doesn't even know where Iran and Syria are on the map.
What this all boils down to is the fact that Mitt Romney knows next to nothing about what's going on in the world around us. Furthermore, Paul Ryan is unable to pick up the slack, as he has no foreign policy experience either.
I don't believe he would be diplomatic enough to choose words and negotiations over displays of military might. With Romney in charge of the country, it is clear that someone else will be picking up the slack, and frankly, I want the guy I vote for to call the shots, not some mid-level policy wonk like Dan Senor. On matters of foreign policy, Mitt Romney is incompetent and I don't trust him.
Back here in the good old US of A, Mitt is not a good choice to take care of America's people. He's running as a business man, and honestly--he's not! He's a man who made his money by loading companies down with debt, abusing the bankruptcy system, tearing them apart and sending our jobs to foreign countries. Even if he was a business man, I'm sorry, Mittens, our government is not a business. It does not exist to turn a profit. It exists to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare of the people of the United State of America. That's from the Constitution. It's the job description. Frankly, buddy--you're not qualified.
Romney wants to pick up where Bush left off on privatizing Social Security. And let me tell you, the solvency of Social Security isn't hard to fix. Simply raise the cap so people who earn more than $110,100 have to pay FICA on more of their earnings. I have to pay FICA on all of my earnings, why shouldn't a wealthy person have to pay on a little bit more? Problem solved...next...
Romney and Ryan both believe that converting Medicare's guarantee of coverage into a premium payment to cover or offset the cost of a private insurance plan is a good idea. Are you kidding me? No thank you, I like it just the way it is. I know we have to do some work to it, but that work should be reducing costs from within. It should be done through efficiency, through implementing electronic medical records, by advocating preventive health measures--not by changing it into a program that benefits insurance companies and leaves seniors holding the bag. I don't trust him to care for our grandparents.
He also wants to turn Medicaid into a block grant (that would leave thousands without access to medical care), he wants to slash SNAP benefits (food stamps). Mitt wants to end funding for Head Start Programs, and PBS, which by the way, represents .012% of the federal budget. The National Endowment for the Arts is on the chopping block too. Basically, any program that makes life worth living, educates young children or helps people desperately in need--the most vulnerable among us; he wants them all to go.
And of course...he wants to spend all that money he's saving by devastating our most vulnerable population on a fat tax cut for himself and his friends. He also wants to give the Department of Defense more money than they even asked for--a nod to his friends at Halliburton. I don't trust him to care for the people who need help the most.
Nope, I don't trust Mitt Romney--not one little bit, and the above reasons are just a few. I could write pages upon pages of reasons I don't trust him, but I'll spare you that. I think you've got the idea, and a better understanding of why I won't vote for Mitt Romney.
Until tomorrow, don't drink that Republican Kool-Aid!!