Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!

This is a Dalek
With all the bad news in the country, it was really good to escape today with my ten-year-old daughter.  Happy Halloween!  This year, Tabitha decided she wanted to be a Dalek, the famed villain from the long-running British sy-fy TV show Doctor Who.  Her Dad, who is a fun-loving kind of guy, didn't miss a beat.  He went straight to work.  A month later his masterpiece was complete; Tabitha's Dalek costume.  Lovingly designed and built by a very loving Dad.  He didn't have to do it.  We could have ordered one on-line; but that wasn't good enough for him.  

Tabitha as a Dalek
Needless to say her costume was a complete hit.  People stopped and stared and many asked to take photos of her, which made her abandon the notion of getting candy and settle for just walking around showing off her father's hard work and enjoying people's reaction.  She was responsible for a lot of smiles tonight, and so was her dad.  What a night--the best Halloween ever. 

All this started me thinking.  What else do loving Dads do for their daughters?  Sure, they feed, clothe, shelter, and nurture--but what do they do in the bigger picture?  Loving dads don't just love their kids, they learn to love their kid's friends.  They're welcomed in and treated with loving kindness.  Loving Dads become part of the community.  They coach little league, or soccer teams.  They do father-daughter scout camp-outs and volunteer at their kids parties at school.  

Loving Dads pay taxes, because it's that money that funds the parks and rec programs, builds parks and maintains community swimming pools in the summer.  They recognize that they are just a tiny part of a greater whole.  Man, then family, then neighbor, community member, citizen of the state, citizen of a nation.  No matter what you may be told--we are not isolated little bubbles.  We can't live that way.  We need human interaction, and deep down in most of us, when our child's friend falls off her bike, we are inclined to ask if they're okay, and patch up the boo-boo.  

And so we come to the time to make choices; locally, state-wide and nationally.  Who do we choose?  Sure, we can travel the isolationist path, where we're only in it for ourselves.  We can choose, "I've got mine, to hell with you".  However, you have to ask yourself, is this how neighborhoods and communities are built?  Is this the national character we want to have?  One man believes that the cost of living should be passed back to the individual states, and central government should be as small as possible, offering little or no services to the states.  What is its purpose then?  It exists to promote the general welfare of the citizens of the US.  That's directly from the Constitution.  

Keep passing the buck back to the states, and eventually things like parks, community pools and parks and rec programs go away.  The states will struggle to provide basic services like snow removal, road repairs and gods forbid--disaster relief.  No--the states cannot do it alone.  None of us can do it alone.  Ask yourself what a loving Dad would do.  It's easy to push the responsibility off onto someone else.  It's a much more difficult task to say, "We're all in this together."  Sometimes you have to do what is right instead of what is easy.
Vote Barack Obama on November 6th.  Step out of your bubble of isolation into the warm sunshine of a community.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I Can't Believe I'm Writing This--But I Am

Sometimes it's difficult to hone in on a topic to write about, especially on days where there's so much news to sift through.  So I usually just write about what sticks in my head the most.  Before we get into it, I have to tell you; what you are about to read are words I never dreamed  I would write.  Not in a million years.  I have disagreed with the man we're about to talk about on every single subject there is.  I have opposed his policies, I have disagreed with his governance.  I have had no respect for this man...until today.  Who is this man that I have so vilified?  None other than New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.  

Credit Where Credit is Due
Chris Christie
Tomorrow he will be the most hated man in the Republican party, although not publicly--yet.  So wait for it, for it will come.  When the attention to the tragedy that was Frankenstorm Sandy dies down, Christie will no longer be the Republican darling he once was.  He has crossed the "invisible line" and had the audacity to not only directly disagree with Mitt Romney's policy on federal disaster relief, he's dared to say positive things about President Obama on Fox News.  See for yourself:
The banner at the bottom of the clip at the beginning on Fox News said "Poor Response to Sandy?"  Clearly they weren't ready for Christie's take on the situation.  They expected business as usual.  The banner then changed to "Romney may go to New Jersey to help Gov. Christie", which was a direct contradiction to Christie's statement about a visit from Romney, "I have no idea, nor am I the least bit concerned or interested, I have a job to do here in New Jersey that's much bigger than presidential politics, and I could care less about any of that stuff."  It was definitely not the answer the Fox talking heads were expecting.  The banner at the bottom of the screen went on to read "Heading to New Jersey--Romney Considers Trip to Inspect Damage" and later "Change of Plans--Romney May Visit NJ Storm Victims."  

Romney's attempt to use the victims of this storm in New Jersey is a blatant bit of politicking that is frankly, beyond the pale.  I can't help but wonder if the thinks he is fooling anyone with his cancelled-rally turned storm-relief-event?  In Ohio?  Really?  Sure, no one's picking up on the irony of that.  He's trying so hard to make this about himself.  This isn't about Mitt Romney.  It isn't about his bid for the presidency.  

What Chris Christie did today in New Jersey was distinguish him from the cookie-cutter pack in his party.  He put the citizens of his state and his obligation to them above partisan politics.  Christie saw real human need and responded, accessing as many resources as he could; and when President Obama picked up that phone and not only extended his hand, but the might of the federal government, the Governor of New Jersey took that hand, and suddenly--they were standing together.  

This, ladies and gentlemen, Mayors and Congressmen, Senators, Presidents and would-be Presidents--is what government is about.  Two men from completely opposite ends of the political spectrum, setting aside their ideological differences and embracing their obligation to their citizens.  Two men with the compassion to recognize human need, and the fortitude to set aside their differences to do all they can to help.

I want to see more of this in Washington.  I want to see Congressmen and women and Senators with Chris Christie's courage.  Imagine what Congress would be like if they had the courage to say, "Screw the party, we can do this."  It's certainly something to work towards, and Christie, today set a fine example.  I know once this disaster is over and we have plans to rebuild, Christie will return to politics as usual.  But maybe, just maybe, he learned a little something.  There's always hope.

His actions today make Chris Christie the bravest man in politics today.  Turning his back on an opportunity to help the presidential candidate he supports in order to do the job he has sworn to do, and accepting the help his state desperately needed from his political enemy, was the right thing to do.  To publicly acknowledge that the President did an outstanding job makes Chris Christie honorable.  Something I never thought I'd say.  Kudos are in order.  Huzzah! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Political Storms

Due to Hurricane Sandy and the fact that I'm expecting a tree to crash through my back windows any moment, this will be brief.  First of all, prayers, and good wishes to those in NYC, NJ, MD, DE and all other areas affected by the storm.  Prayers and healing thoughts to the families of the sailor who lost her life, and the Captain of the HMS Bounty, Robin Walbridge, who is currently missing.  Fair winds and following seas...

I've said it before, but I'll repeat it.  At times like this, we are not Republicans and Democrats, we are fellow human beings.  We share this planet, this nation, our communities.  We must be our brother's keeper.  And it sickens me on the deepest level that some would politicize this still unfolding tragedy for political gain.  I've found a bit more respect for Chris Christie who said earlier today, 

“I appreciate the president’s outreach today in making sure that we know he’s watching this and is concerned about the health and welfare and safety of the people of the state of New Jersey,”

Christie is going to have to make some difficult decisions in the upcoming days, and I hope he does all he can for the citizens of his state.  He'll need the federal government's help.  President Obama, at a press conference was asked about the effect of the storm on the upcoming election.  The President was quoted saying, 

"I am not worried at this point on the impact on the election. I'm worried about the impact on families and our first responders," the president said. "The election will take care of itself next week."

Meanwhile, in the height of the storm, Romney's campaign is busy promoting tweets slamming Obama's foreign policy.  Though he cancelled his personal appearances, his campaign carries on.  Today Romney placed a call to Virginia's Republican Governor Bob McDonnell and to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to offer his support and discuss storm preparation.  No such call was placed to states with Democratic Governors (Maryland, Governor O'Malley, Massachusetts, Governor Patrick, North Carolina, Governor Perdue and New York, Governor Cuomo).  I suppose the people suffering in those states don't deserve Romney's feigned compassion.  

Romney also took the time to criticize the President by saying that the states should be left to deal with the disasters on their own, that it was the "moral" thing to do.  I disagree.  The states do not have the resources on their own to handle disasters of this magnitude.  It's just that simple.  It's the reason we have a central-federal government in the first place.  It's the glue that holds us together as one nation, opposed to 50 mini-nations.  Romney just doesn't get that.  He doesn't get compassion either.  Sitting here in my kitchen with the wind howling at my door...I'll take President Obama over Mitt Romney any damn day of the week.

The American Red Cross is a crucial element of disaster relief services.  The agency helps to save lives and offers much needed relief to victims of disasters.  You can donate $10 to the Red Cross for Hurricane Sandy relief simply by texting the word, REDCROSS to 90999  You can also visit to donate, or you can call 1-800-RED-CROSS begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            1-800-RED-CROSS      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

The American Red Cross is also in desperate need of blood donations from anyone who is eligible to donate, especially in areas 
not affected by the storm.  Please support the Red Cross in this time of crisis.  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock You Like A Hurricane- 9 days to go!

Reason #6 I'm not voting for Romney-- He doesn't care about people--at all--ever.

Unless you live under a rock, you know that the "Frankenstorm"; Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the East Coast.  The necessity of preparedness can't be overstated.  We're expected to get some nasty weather off of the storm here in the Finger Lakes--so my day was largely spent getting ready.  A large part of my family lives in Baltimore, MD,  so please keep them and everyone else (red and blue) in your thoughts.  This is a time when we must pull together and put aside our ideological differences and work with each other to keep one another safe.  This storm is another prime example of the philosophy, "We're all in this together."  When we stand together and lift each other up, we are strong.  

I hate to politicize this impending event of mother nature.  So much is out of our control at this point.  We look to our officials for guidance on so many aspects of this event.  Where do we go if we must evacuate?  Who do we call if we're in trouble?  What should I pack if I must leave my home?  The questions are endless.  And in times of trouble, we desperately need answers.  Our lives may depend on it.  First we look to our local elected officials, who work with local emergency management, for immediate instruction and direction.  They can tell you where the closest emergency shelter is and answer any pressing questions, like, "Can I take my pets?"  Some shelters allow companion animals and some do not.  Sometimes you can board your pet at the local SPCA.  Call your local emergency management office or listen to the radio or television if possible.

After the storm has passed and we've assessed the damage, we look to state and federal officials.  They both have a role to play.  At this time of year, we must remember that we have a critical choice to make regarding the leadership of our nation.  Both the state and federal races are crucial.  Leadership starts at the top, especially in times of crisis.  We know there will be great damage and there will be a mess to clean up. Who do we turn to if we've lost our home, or our business has sustained tremendous damage?  We turn to our federal government and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.   President Obama has already left the campaign trail to lead us and make the important decisions that only he can make.  He's working with FEMA right now, making the necessary preparations to assist the states with any issues and recovery efforts.

Sadly, Mitt Romney doesn't believe that federal disaster aid is necessary.  He believes that the duties of FEMA should be kicked back to the states, or, in his words, "privatization would be preferable."  He went on to say in his remarks at one of the GOP debates, "that kind of spending is immoral."  

The trouble with this line of thinking is that it totally negates what a central government is all about.  The Preamble to the Constitution spells it out for us:
"We the people, of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility.  Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America."
I assure you that we on the east coast are not feeling even a little bit tranquil at the moment, and we want a strong central government that we can look to for leadership, and depend upon in our moment of crisis.  We will need help, and if those services are kicked back to the states we still pay for it in the form of higher income taxes and regressive taxes as well.  Working with a for-profit company to help us rebulid our lives is nothing short of a nightmare.  FEMA has more resources at it's command and we need its services now.  I'm sorry, friends, as "Frankenstorm" is bearing down on me, I don't want some wanna-be business guy passing the buck or passing judgment on the morality of helping me because there's flood water clear up to my rafters.  I want a President that says, "We're here for you because that's our job", just like President Obama did.  That's what leadership is all about.  Mitt is too busy passing the buck and he doesn't care about anyone other than himself...and maybe Ann (but that's debatable).  Sorry, Mitt--your laissez faire attitude about Americans in crisis is reason #6 I will never vote for you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Countdown to the Election- 10 days!!

Well, friends, there's a hurricane blowin', so let's jump right into it. 

Can you believe we're down to ten days already?  Things are really heating up, and it's looking like Mitt Romney has had the worst week ever, politically.  With that, I bring you reason #5 I won't vote for Mitt.

The Company He Keeps

My grand-dad always used to tell me that you could get the measure of a man by the company he keeps.  A good man will surround himself with men of equal caliber.  If that's the truth (and I know it is), it's not looking too good for Mittens.  The people that Mitt Romney chooses to surround himself with, and to be identified with, say a lot about his character.  It speaks to his true system of values and beliefs.  It's one sure fire way to get a read on a man who has publicly flip-flopped and changed positions and opinions so many times, it's impossible to know him on his own merits at all.  

The person presumably closest to Mitt would be his wife, Ann.  Tapped on the campaign trail to present the softer, more human side of Mitt; these are personality traits she struggles to present for herself.  In response to the many requests for Mitt to release more of his tax returns, Ann referred to the voters as "you people".  Her words, along with her demeanor made her seem arrogant and condescending.  From making inappropriate jokes on The View, to accusing Hispanics of being "biased" against Republicans, Mrs. Romney just can't seem to connect with average Americans.  Her life of comfort, wealth and privilege are apparent in her every word and deed.  When she told us at the Republican National Convention of the early days of her marriage, and of the "struggles" she and Mitt faced, eating tuna and pasta and selling off stock, we collectively knew for sure that she simply wasn't one of us.  Because of that, we have a pretty good idea that Mitt shares those qualities with his wife, and like Ann, he isn't one of us either.

It would be remiss not to mention Romney's son Tagg's recent statement that he'd like to hit the President for calling his father a liar, but could not because of the presence of Secret Service Agents.  This really speaks to the Romney family philosophy of rash actions over words and diplomacy.  Is this kind of hot-headed behavior we want in our President?  Or do we want a thoughtful, introspective, though decisive man in control of our foreign policy?  It's clear that the Romney family prefers drastic measures to rational ones, never pausing to consider what is appropriate or necessary.

We must also take a look at the folks Romney surrounds himself with on the campaign trail, and the people he has allied himself with.  In recent events, Mitt has refused to back down regarding his endorsement of Richard Mourdock, who went on the record as saying that pregnancy that is the result of rape is "what God intended."  He further went on to clarify that the rape itself wasn't the Divine intention--just the resulting pregnancy.  We can only assume that Romney shares this view, as his campaign has stated that the candidate disagrees with Mourdock, but the candidate himself has yet to comment on it.

And then there's John Sununu, co-chair of the Romney campaign, who, after learning of former Secretary of State Colin Powell's endorsement of President Obama, went on the record saying that the reason behind his endorsement was because both men are black. Sununu took a thoughtful and well considered opinion by one of the most respected men in Washington; a man respected by both parties, and dismissed it as an issue of racial solidarity, and in doing so--embarrassed himself as well as Mitt Romney. Again, Mitt has failed to comment on Sununu's outrageous remarks, let alone denounce them, or even more appropriately, dismiss him from the campaign staff.  Do we really want a man who condones (or agrees with) these kinds of remarks as our Commander-in-Chief?  

By surrounding himself with a rogues gallery of advisers, misogynistic candidates that he supports and endorses, plus a family who is short-tempered, heavy-handed and out of touch with every day Americans, it is hard to see Mitt Romney as an effective President who is able to bring the country together, or who will garner respect for himself or our nation throughout the world.  Sometimes, it really is who ya know!  Yet another reason I won't vote for Mitt Romney.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Countdown to the Election- 11 Days!

Time now for my 4th reason I will not vote for Mitt Romney!

Paul Ryan

Yes, he's got those blue eyes, and that funky thing on his head you just want to touch (or more likely poke), but he's a demon.  I'm a lot less than impressed.  He flips and flops as much, if not more than Romney.  Remember back when he was an Ayn Rand devotee?  He was really hoping you'd forget about that.  I'm all too happy to remind you.  His personal and political philosophy is firmly rooted in Rand's "I've got mine, so screw you" ideology.  He made reading Rand a requirement for all of his Congressional staffers.  Now that he's the go-to-guy on the ticket, he's run from that like a man on fire.  

He's the master and champion of the Ryan budget.  His baby.  The budget that slashes and burns everything from Grandma to Big Bird (who his partner already put a hit out on). He wants to turn Medicare into a voucher.  Sure, he can dress it up in all the fancy phrases he likes, but it's a damned voucher, and it leaves our eldsters holding the bag.  
And PBS?  Really Paulie?  It's .012% of the federal budget.  Problem solved!  Hallelujah! 

Let's not forget Lyin' Ryan's publicity disaster; when he staged a photo-op at the soup kitchen and it blew up in his face.  He got no proper permission from the President of the charity, cost the soup kitchen donations, and washed some clean dishes--after those icky homeless folks were long gone.  This is the man who wants to slash SNAP benefits so people can go hungry, while his ticket mate sits down to $50,000 fundraiser dinners.  

Then there's the issue of Ryan's co-sponsoring a person-hood bill in Congress that would give a fertilized egg the same rights as a person.  Hormone based birth control would be a thing of the past, taking family planning out of a woman's hands.  Ryan's bill would make it illegal.  It would make surgery to remove ectopic pregnancy a crime.  Ryan also refers to rape as "another method of conception." 

 I refer to Ryan as another failed candidate.  He is definitely too conservative and out of touch to be a heart beat away from leader of the free world.  His personal philosophy of selfishness is a poor fit for the real people that drive this country.  His inability to separate his religious views from his public policy make him dangerous for anyone who does not share his faith.  Paul Ryan is just another anti-labor, corporately purchased politico.  His views are for sale to the highest bidder.  Even Romney is starting to see the liabilities of his choice, keeping him far away from states of any consequence as the campaign wraps up.  He's tucked safely in red states where his damage can be minimized.  He definitely qualifies as a solid reason why I'm not voting for Mitt Romney (and neither should you)!

The Fluctuating Price of Rape

Lord, have we ever been hearing a lot about rape lately!  Why in the name of all that is holy is this an issue?  This country has more than enough real issues to deal with!  We have a struggling economy that is starting to recover, and must be helped along by strong policies.  We have serious issues happening around the world that must be considered by both candidates.  There's the issue of corporations and mega-donors buying our elections lawfully thanks to the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision--and the Republicans are trying to make this election about rape?  

Here's the deal.  This is a distraction tactic on two fronts.  First, it's taking people's minds off of the issues that really matter.  Romney doesn't want you to think about things like Medicare or Social Security, or the fact that he's going to gut domestic spending.  He already knows that he's lost the female vote.  He has nothing to lose by engaging in this torrid bit of politicking.  

Have you ever noticed the gas price trick?  You know, the one where gas prices rise and rise to an obscene amount?  For example:  Gas is $3.50 a gallon, which hurts.  Then, gas gradually starts to climb until it reaches $4.20 a gallon.  People are really incensed then. We shout and holler and finally, gas prices start to drop.  Whew!!  The drop until they hit $4.00 a gallon; and we are relieved!  Here's the trick...gas moguls never intended to leave it at $4.20.  Their target was always $4.00.  Everyone knows that $4.00 is cheaper than $4.20 so we accept the new, "lower" price without too much grumbling.

It's the same with the issue of rape and abortion.  Republicans have made a fuss over the exception for rape and incest.  That tiny little piece of the abortion issue is all over the news and the web.  What they're hoping for is that people (especially women) will eventually accept a ban on abortion so long as there is an exception in the case of rape and incest and, of course, the life of the mother.  It's the gas price trick.  

I don't believe anyone is pro-abortion.  Most progressives and liberals are pro-as few abortions as possible.  We have a strong set of morals and principles; values and ideals.  A significant number of us are men and women of faith.  Although we might be pro-life ourselves, we don't believe in forcing our views down someone else's throat.  We firmly believe that religion and religious views have no place in our government.  

The Republicans are betting on us losing sight of the big picture, and settling for less.  They're hoping we'll be pacified by legislation that takes away our Constitutional right to choose what is best for our lives and our bodies, and settle for a law that permits us to have what we have already fought for and won.  We must not lose sight of gas at $3.50 a gallon.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1,000 Views-Thank You!!

I started this blog on Sept. 9th of this year.  It all got started because my family suggested that I stop ranting at them about the election and write it all down in my own forum where it might do some good.  They reminded me that I have something to say.  So, for once, I listened and here we are.  

From 9/9 to 10/13 I achieved 500 views.  From 10/13 until 10/25 I topped 1,000 views.  That's less than two weeks!  The only way this blog is promoted is through Facebook, Google plus and Twitter.  This blog has spread because not only do you take the time to read it, you take the time to share it.  I can't begin to tell you how amazed I am.

I write to you (almost) every day, and often, more than once.  I do this sitting at my kitchen table, cup of coffee at my side from 8am when my daughter, Tabitha gets on the bus, until around 11am.  I read a lot of information, and then I share my thoughts.  Really it's whatever is on my mind.  

I know a thousand views doesn't sound like a lot--but to me, it is.  Especially in such a short amount of time.  I really think we may be going places here!  So, thank you all for taking an interest in what I have to say; and thank you for taking the time to share it with your friends and family as well.  I am truly and deeply grateful, and I promise that as long as you keep reading it, I'll keep writing it faithfully.  

Again, I thank you!

PS.  Write your thank you notes the old fashioned way with these Papermate Mirado Woodcase Pencils - 72 Pack - Wood Pencils (Google Affiliate Ad)  (I gotta pay the bills somehow)!

Countdown to the Election-12 days!

Twelve days until the election, and they seem to fly by faster and faster! Today brings us to reason number three why I won't be voting for Mitt Romney!

His Economic Policies Suck

There's just no way to say it nicely.  Mitt Romney has no clue how to run a government.  He's confused the federal government with a corporation.  It's not--government exists to defend and assist the people of a nation.  Corporations exist to turn a profit for their shareholders.  Mitt has no concept of helping others, although he's a big fan of helping himself, and his ultra-wealthy friends.  

Since the eight years of Bush, the "us and them" mentality has grown more prevalent.  The middle class is shrinking at an alarming rate.  We need a leader who will fight for policies that benefit all of us, not just the top income earners.  History has proven that "trickle down economics" do not work.  The latest evidence to support that statement?  The Bush tax cuts.  

We keep hearing over and over again from Mitt and his Republican cronies that it's important to keep more money in the pockets of the "job creators".  If rich people are able to keep more of their money, they'll reinvest it in their businesses and thus be able to hire more workers.  If that were true, after twelve years of these tax cuts, we should be drowning in available jobs.  So, that's obviously not the case.  Exactly how much money do the "job creators" need to keep in order to create more jobs?  Maybe if we exempt them from paying any taxes at all, it might help (Grover Norquist would love that).  Or perhaps it's because they're creating those jobs in countries like China and India.  

I'm sick of hearing Republicans boo-hoo about the national debt.  The Republicans could care less about the debt.  How did I come to that conclusion?  Simple--when George W. Bush spent eight years running this country into the ground with his two wars that were unfunded and his shout out to Big Pharma that he called a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (it benefits drug companies, mainly); Congress raised the debt ceiling for him 19 times.  Yes, you read that correctly--nineteen times.  Raising the debt ceiling only became an issue when we had an African-American Democrat in office.  And YES, I'm calling those Republican losers in Congress racists, because Bill Clinton (who was far more liberal than Barack Obama ever dreamed of being) didn't have half the trouble getting the debt ceiling lifted on his watch.  So--shut up about the national debt, Mitt.  You could care less about it.  You're pandering. 

Barack Obama was handed the biggest mess of an economy since the Great Depression and Republicans expect him to wave a wand to fix it.  It took Georgie-boy eight years of vigorous effort to destroy it, but they want it all better--yesterday.  So the President set about fixing our broken economy by investing in America in the form of a stimulus package that not only created jobs, but addressed some seriously pressing problems as well and the Republicans bitched about that too.  Honestly, if the man ate a BLT for lunch, Republicans would take an anti-bacon position. 

The GOP whines about the national debt we're passing on to our kids, but a crumbling infrastructure is A-okay with them.  Our bridges are crumbling.  So are our roads and highways.  Our electrical grid is a travesty.  Our water delivery systems are outdated and in a serious state of disrepair; that's just fine by them.  Never mind that all these investments have put Americans back to work.  Never mind that the economy is on the upswing.  

Republicans say the stimulus is an epic failure and a waste of tax payer money.  Why?  because it wasn't their idea?  The best that Romney has to offer is an investment in drill, baby, drill and coal--the filthiest form of energy on the planet.  I don't suppose that would be because big oil and coal companies have heavily invested in Romney's campaign?  Honestly, outside of oil and coal interests, who opposes wind and solar investment?  Wait, I forgot.  Climate change is a myth hatched by mad scientists with fiendish plots to take over the world.  Guess what, Mitt?  The cool thing about science is that whether or not you believe it--it's still true.  We're killing the planet, and we're using your ideas to do it!  

Then there's the misguided notion that Romney's going to balance the federal budget with no increase in revenue. On top of that, he's going to cater to his own personal interests by granting himself another tax cut.  Sure, he swears that those tax cuts are across the board, but he's not mentioning the back-handed way they actually increase taxes on the middle class and working poor.  Mitt's also not real big on talking about how his tax plan actually increases that budget deficit he's claimed to have lost so much sleep over.  He says the independent analysis that proves these points is wrong, but he's not a fan of sharing the specifics with the voters.  He refuses to defend his position in any meaningful way.  

Trust Mitt?  He can't even maintain the same position on any issue from week to week.  I wouldn't trust him to take out my kitchen trash.  He plans to offset those tax cuts by slashing domestic spending except the Defense Department  He wants to give them more money than they asked for-- a lot more money.  Murdering Big Bird and firing Jim Lehrer on national TV is not going to offset Romney's tax cuts.  Ending the government subsidy to Big Oil would help more than cutting PBS; but that's another bridge he's unwilling to cross.  

Despite all of it, the numbers simply do not add up.  The math doesn't work. Even if he uses imaginary numbers and throws in some algebra for good measure.  Romney's tax plan scams most Americans.  It makes sense that he doesn't want to talk about it.  I suppose that's why he doesn't go into detail about a lot of things. 

So you see, voting for Mitt Romney is not in my best interest.  I stand to lose a lot, as I am not one of those ultra-wealthy friends of his.  He's going to cut programs that I rely on.  He's going to raise my taxes in a round-about, sneaky way.  Mitt is going to continue to let the nation crumble from the ground up.  He might even engage us in a new war to drive Halliburton's mini-economy.  He says he's a business man.  Well, I've seen what he does to businesses.  I don't want my country to go the way of Sensata.  I think his lack of vision (beyond his own interests) on economic policy is a very good reason not to vote for Mitt Romney.

Fool Me Once- Republicans and Rape

There's no issue that is a better example of how far to the right the Republican party has gone than the issue of rape and the abandonment of a child once it exits the womb.  Not to put too fine a point on it, but this isn't about protecting innocent lives--it's about a bunch of old white men subjugating women.  This is about a bunch of men brushing off the seriousness of an act of violence against women.

Let me just say that personally, I am opposed to abortion as a means of birth control.  I'm certain that these right-wing wackos agree with that.  So why, exactly, are they bending over backward to restrict women's access to contraceptives?   Let's be clear on one point:  You're not going to legislate people to stop having sex.  Let's not forget as well, that it's men who are having sex with us--and ladies, how many times have you have heard a man complain about (if not flat out refuse) using a condom?  When the unthinkable happens however, it's always the woman's fault though, according to Republican logic.  

Which brings us to the subject of rape.  Let's be clear on what rape is.  It is an act of violence.  It is a man imposing his will on a woman's body without her express consent.  Even if you're on a date.  No matter what she is wearing.  It is the woman's body, and she has the right to say no to sex.  Todd Akin-- most people just find you to be a religious zealot.  You're not.  You hide behind your so-called faith in order to hide your misogyny.  You're not anti-abortion.  You're anti-woman. 

 Legitimate rape?  Tell that to your daughter when she comes home and her date wouldn't take no for an answer?  Is that okay with you?  Tell that to your wife when her boss demands she either "put out" or get fired.  But you've got enough money so the little missus doesn't really have to work.  We're not all that lucky.  Tell me, Todd, how many women deserved it at your hands, because it wasn't really rape?  Oh and by the got ripped off when it comes to your education, because high school biology teaches us that a woman's body doesn't have a magical detector to determine if she's been inseminated with rape sperm or friendly sperm.  

Then there's the genuine lot of religious zealots who believe that rape is just another form of conception, and that a pregnancy that is the product of rape is a "gift from god" or the "lord's will".  That's just a cop out and a manipulation of a woman's faith.  Any god that would "gift" a woman with a brutal attack on her body has no business being a deity.  
Let's be clear here.  Religion is a man made construct.  Churches are constructed by people.  Ministers are people (Jimmy Swaggart's "I have sinned moment, anyone)?  Even your bible, which you consider to be the divinely inspired word of god?  Written by people.  At the end of the day--people make the choices.  

A prime example of that is your pal in Tennessee, Scott Desjarlais, who is running on a pro-life, pro-family platform.  Except his mistress got pregnant.  And he wanted her to have an abortion.  His wife, who clearly hadn't read the manual on how to be a good Republican wife, divorced him.  So it's do as I say, not as I do.  Guess it's okay when you have a penis.  

And what about the baby once it's exited the womb?  You're so consumed with the sanctity of life, but not the quality of it.  You rail against and vehemently oppose any program that helps that mother take care of her child.  You men certainly don't want to help (Joe Walsh--paid any child support lately?).  You're for gutting funding for PBS, which has been proven to improve a child's early educational development.  You want to gut WIC and SNAP which provide basic nutrition to infants and children.  You want to destroy Medicaid which provides access to healthcare for kids of low income women.  
Your hypocrisy makes me sick, and it invalidates your argument for valuing the sanctity of life.  You don't give a damn about life--it's just another tool with which to manipulate the electorate, and another method by which to control women.  

Some of you would have us believe that Republicans who don't support an abortion exception for rape and incest are the fringe of the party.  Sorry, I'm too smart for that.   If it's only one candidate who supports no exceptions, it's the fringe.  I'll even give you two--but when I can name ten off of the top of my head right this minute without missing a beat?  It's your party's platform.  Especially when your Presidential ticket supports person-hood legislation that gives a fertilized egg the same rights as a human being.  That piece of legislation supported by Romney and Ryan makes surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy murder (ectopic pregnancy can kill a woman).  It makes all forms of hormone based birth control illegal, thereby taking contraception out of a woman's hands entirely.  It also makes in vitro fertilization illegal (never mind that Mitt's son and his wife benefited from IVF to conceive).  I guess if you have enough money, the rules don't apply to you.  Myself?  I've had enough of your manipulation and your hypocrisy and I'm not going to be fooled by your pathetic attempts to legislate my body.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Countdown to the Election-13 Days

7 Reasons I'm Not Voting For Mitt Romney-Reason #2

I Don't Trust Him

Alexander Hamilton famously said, "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."  I believe that to be a profound piece of wisdom.  Throughout this campaign, Mitt has stood for everything, and in my estimation, that means he stands for nothing.  I've said it before, but it bears repeating: throughout this campaign, Romney has made it pretty clear that he views the Presidency as an object to obtain--another line to add to his resume.  His impetus to run came not from a deep love of country or a profound sense of duty or even a call to care for the American people.  The office is a shiny new toy that a spoiled little rich kid covets; and he's used to getting what he wants.  Therefore, I don't trust him.  Let me give you some specifics, a concept Mitt seems to be allergic to.

With the debate on foreign policy so fresh in our minds, it's common sense to make that my first point.  For months, Romney has preached to his choir about setting a time line for pulling our troops out of Afghanistan being a bad thing.  In an article in the USA Today, Romney said the President was misguided for announcing a withdrawal date to the enemy.  In the debate with President Obama, he said, "...When I'm President, we'll make sure we bring our troops out by the end of 2014."  

Romney believes that Russia is our number one geopolitical foe.  He believes them to be more dangerous than al Qaida, North Korea and Iran.  Hell, he still refers to Russians as "Soviets", prompting the President to quip that the 80's called and want their foreign policy back.  He doesn't even know where Iran and Syria are on the map.  
What this all boils down to is the fact that Mitt Romney knows next to nothing about what's going on in the world around us.  Furthermore, Paul Ryan is unable to pick up the slack, as he has no foreign policy experience either. 

 I don't believe he would be diplomatic enough to choose words and negotiations over displays of military might.  With Romney in charge of the country, it is clear that someone else will be picking up the slack, and frankly, I want the guy I vote for to call the shots, not some mid-level policy wonk like Dan Senor.  On matters of foreign policy, Mitt Romney is incompetent and I don't trust him.

Back here in the good old US of A, Mitt is not a good choice to take care of America's people.  He's running as a business man, and honestly--he's not!  He's a man who made his money by loading companies down with debt, abusing the bankruptcy system, tearing them apart and sending our jobs to foreign countries.  Even if he was a business man, I'm sorry, Mittens, our government is not a business.  It does not exist to turn a profit.  It exists to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare of the people of the United State of America.  That's from the Constitution.  It's the job description.  Frankly, buddy--you're not qualified.  

Romney wants to pick up where Bush left off on privatizing Social Security.  And let me tell you, the solvency of Social Security isn't hard to fix.  Simply raise the cap so people who earn more than $110,100 have to pay FICA on more of their earnings.  I have to pay FICA on all of my earnings, why shouldn't a wealthy person have to pay on a little bit more?  Problem
Romney and Ryan both believe that converting Medicare's guarantee of coverage into a premium payment to cover or offset the cost of a private insurance plan is a good idea.  Are you kidding me?  No thank you, I like it just the way it is.  I know we have to do some work to it, but that work should be reducing costs from within.  It should be done through efficiency, through implementing electronic medical records, by advocating preventive health measures--not by changing it into a program that benefits insurance companies and leaves seniors holding the bag.  I don't trust him to care for our grandparents.

He also wants to turn Medicaid into a block grant (that would leave thousands without access to medical care), he wants to slash SNAP benefits (food stamps).  Mitt wants to end funding for Head Start Programs, and PBS, which by the way, represents .012% of the federal budget.  The National Endowment for the Arts is on the chopping block too.  Basically, any program that makes life worth living, educates young children or helps people desperately in need--the most vulnerable among us; he wants them all to go.

And of course...he wants to spend all that money he's saving by devastating our most vulnerable population on a fat tax cut for himself and his friends.  He also wants to give the Department of Defense more money than they even asked for--a nod to his friends at Halliburton. I don't trust him to care for the people who need help the most. 

Nope, I don't trust Mitt Romney--not one little bit, and the above reasons are just a few. I could write pages upon pages of reasons I don't trust him, but I'll spare you that.  I think you've got the idea, and a better understanding of why I won't vote for Mitt Romney.

Until tomorrow, don't drink that Republican Kool-Aid!!

The King of the Jackasses has Spoken (mini-rant)

Ode to joy!! The King of the Jackasses has made his major announcement!  What does the man with an opossum on his head have to say?  Well, the birther-in-chief is offering a bribe to the President.  He's offering $5 million to a charity of Obama's choice in exchange for the POTUS's college records, entry applications and passport application. To Trump's satisfaction, of course.

The unmitigated gall of this arrogant idiot is just mind bending.  His behavior is disgraceful and he should be embarrassed, and ashamed of himself.  He's nothing more than a racist, a bigot and a loud mouth with a little too much money for his own good.  Money he accrued by gaming the bankruptcy system, saddling small businesses with bad debts from his unethical business dealings.  

This is nothing more than a shameless bid to remain relevant from a man who has become a washed-up has been.  I'm sick of idiots like "The Donald" disrespecting my President, and my country.  You want to talk about unpatriotic?  That's the dictionary definition right there.

Doesn't Donald have something more pressing to do, like firing Meatloaf or some other celebrity from his pitiful little television show?  The President was right- he's just a carnival barker.

The idiocy clip--if you can stomach it...

Going to College! How the System Works

It's time for a little food for thought here on the blog.  I recently participated in a discussion of the election process and I realized that there are a lot of people out there who don't know exactly how the process works.  We see and hear a lot of information about electoral votes and we see maps and talk about swing states (Ohio, anyone?) until we're blue in the face, but why do they matter so much, and why does the Presidential election always come down to just a handful of states?  Let's find out.

The founding fathers were a sneaky lot.  At the beginning, they wanted the President and Vice President to be chosen by Congress.  Only a few favored a popular vote.  
They worked out a system that was basically designed to make it difficult to declare a clear winner--a candidate had to have the most votes and more than half of all votes cast in order to win the Presidency.  The person with the second most votes became VP.  When there was no candidate that met their criteria (as set forth in the Constitution), the election was kicked over to Congress, where they wanted it in the first place.  Sneaky buggers.

Through time, we've modified the system and amended the Constitution to the system we have in place today.  Each state has a number of electors equal to their representatives in Congress (the number in the House plus two for the state's Senators) plus three electors for Washington, DC--a total of 538 votes.  It takes 270 to win a majority of those votes and be declared President (and Vice President).  

The electors are chosen by the individual states.  The Constitution leaves it up to them to decide how the electors are chosen, with one caveat--anyone holding federal office (either appointed or elected) may not be an elector.  Electors are nominated by their political parties before the upcoming election day.  Some states nominate electors in their primaries just like other candidates, some nominate their electors at their party's convention.  In Pennsylvania, the candidates campaign committee nominates their electors--it avoids the problem of faithless electors.  

Forty-eight states, plus DC have a winner-take-all system of casting electoral votes.  He (or she) who wins the popular vote, wins all the marbles.  In Nebraska and Maine, they use the Congressional District method, where one elector is selected in each Congressional District and the remaining two by popular vote of the state.  They split their electoral votes based on who wins their districts; the remaining two are given to the candidate who wins the most districts in the state.  

So then the election is held on the Tuesday following the first Monday of November. 
The people select their candidate for the Presidential ticket, and (even though not on the ballot on all the states), their electors as well. The electors are attached to their Presidential choice.  Yay! The election is over...not quite.

The electors are directed to meet in their state capitals (or within the district of DC) on the Monday following the second Wednesday of December (who made this stuff up)?! This is when they cast their separate ballots for President and Vice President, and once these ballots are counted, they are recorded, sealed and sent off to a joint session of Congress held on January 6th.  The votes of the individual states, which are stored in two special mahogany boxes are then opened and certified by both bodies of Congress.  They can object to a state's vote, but it requires an objection in writing signed by one member of the house and the senate.  This has never happened in the history of the country.

If neither candidate reaches a majority of electoral votes, Congress must immediately go into session.  The President is selected by the House.  Each state receives one vote (at this point, DC is thrown out of the mix and gets no vote).  A candidate must receive a majority of votes to become President-elect.  As the President and VP are voted for on individual ballots, if no VP candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, he or she is selected by the Senate.  Two-thirds of the Senate must be present for a vote to take place.  Both senators from each state may vote, and a simple majority must be achieved (51 votes).  The sitting Vice-President is precluded from breaking a tie.  

Now you know exactly how the election process works, from beginning to end.  Obviously it is a weighted system, with the states with the highest populations having the most electoral votes.  There are very good arguments for keeping the current system, and very good arguments for changing up and instituting a popular vote method.  That subject is a whole other blog.  
Class dismissed!!  

PS. Don't forget to go out and vote on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November (the 6th)!! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

14 days!!

Well, we've ticked another week off of our countdown to the election.  The Presidential debates are over and we've only got 14 days to go before the main event--election day.  In order to pass the time, I've come up with a new feature.  First up...7 reasons I'm not voting for Mitt Romney.  Then in the week preceding the election, 7 reasons I'm voting for Obama.  We'll still be taking a look at events as they happen, but we'll be doing this as well.  As The Doctor says...Allons-y!!

Seven Reasons I'm Not Voting for Mitt Romney-Reason #1

I'm a woman.  Yep, it's true, I'm a lady.  I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, etc..  Mitt Romney and company do not respect women.  This time, I'm not sure that it's so much Mittens himself.  Who the hell knows where he stands on women's issues, really?  Except that we know that he has binders full of us.  Let me be honest here; if nobody puts Baby in a corner, they sure as hell aren't going to stuff me in a binder.  Then there's the whole Paul Ryan issue.  Paulie is as misogynistic as they come.  He's the damned president of the He-Man-Woman-Haters-Club.  

Paul Ryan voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009.  So, he's okay with women making 28 cents less per dollar than a man makes.  

He voted for legislation that would have granted health care providers the right to refuse to provide emergency abortion care, even if the life of the woman is in danger.  He's comfortable with making children orphans because the unborn has more rights than the mother and her existing family.

 Ryan is in favor of eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood Centers.  One in five women in the US receive services from Planned Parenthood.  A lot of those services are preventive measures, such as cancer screening.  For many low-income women, it is their only access to health care services.  Paul Ryan is a champion of women getting cancer and not having a way to find out in time to get treatment.  He's also not a fan of family planning.  

He called rape just another form of conception.  Ryan is so anti-abortion, he doesn't care if the fetus a woman is carrying is the product of a brutal attack.  He feels he has the right to force (via legislation) a woman to carry the product of a violent, forcible rape to term, and then (in 31 states in the nation) face her attacker on a regular basis as she is mandated to grant him visitation rights to the child.  I wonder how he'd feel if it happened (heavens forbid) to his daughter?  

Ryan also co-sponsored person-hood legislation that grants the rights of a living person to a fertilized egg (even if it hasn't resulted in a pregnancy yet).  This legislation could make surgery to remove ectopic pregnancies illegal.  It would also make hormone based contraceptives (the pill, the shot, etc.) illegal, as well as many aspects of in vitro fertilization.  I wonder how Romney feels about this.  He has in vitro grandkids, you know.

Both Romney and Ryan plan to gut social safety net programs such as SNAP (food stamps), medicaid and Head Start programs that benefit low income families as well as single parent households.  Don't even get me started on Social Security and Medicare, which they want to privatize, thus ending Medicare's guarantee of coverage and handing Social Security checks to the goons on Wall Street to gamble with.  Paul Ryan loves unborn kids.  It's once they're out of the womb that they become a drain on society.  No help for you, kids.  And Grandma?  He'd really be glad if you'd just check out asap.  Medicare is unsustainable and it's getting on his nerves.

Are these guys for real?  Are you kidding me?  We didn't even get into the issues of the party that they now head, with Todd Akin's legitimate rape, or Ryan's plan to re-define rape. We didn't bring up the Governor of Virginia who was a fan of forcing women to undergo trans-vaginal ultrasounds that are medically unnecessary if she exercised her constitutional right to an abortion, for what ever reason.  It was tantamount to state sanctioned rape via medical probe (it also got shot down, causing McDonnell to lose any shot at the VP nod).  Not to mention the voice of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut because she dared to stand up for her rights.  In a nutshell, if you have a uterus, or ever had a uterus--these two people are not your friend.  Run screaming for the hills into the Obama camp and stay very far away from the misogynist duo that is Romney/Ryan.  As far as you're concerned...they think you need to stay barefoot and pregnant.  And they want you to make them a sammich.  

So, if you're a woman, you know they're not on your side.  If you're a man.  Do you have a mother, a wife, sister, daughter, Auntie or a crazy lady next door with 20 cats?  Show her some love and stand strong with the women in your life.  We've earned it.  We women are amazing and let's face it--you know that the love of a good woman makes life worth living.  Show us how much we mean to you.  Don't vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.  Let them know that women have a right to make their own health care choices.  Let them know that rape is rape and it's not just another means of conception--it's a despicable act of violence.  Let them know that your wife and daughter deserve equal pay to any man.  Show Romney and Ryan what a real man does.  We need your support, and honestly, a vote for Romney is a vote to relegate women to second class citizenship. I know we mean more to you than that.  You know we've got your backs.  We live with you, and we love you anyway!!

And that, my friends, is reason number one why I'm not voting for Mitt Romney.  I'm a woman.  I have daughters.  I have a grand-daughter.  And I'll be damned if I'll let Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan step all over their rights...or mine.

Until tomorrow...just say no to Republican Kool-aid!!

The One Where Mitt Gets Taken to School

The Presidential Debate season is over for another four years.  I was a little sad to see it go.  It's always one of the highlights of a Presidential election season.  Do you really get a good sense of the candidates?  Not really.  Both candidates are polished to a fine shine by their handlers, they practice with stand-ins and they study for weeks, or in Mitt Romney's case, months.  Every once in a while, however, there are some real moments where a candidate's personality really shines through--and you get to see how they perform under pressure and they have to speak off the cuff.  The best debate is usually the town hall style one where the questions come from actual voters.  The fun bit is seeing them struggle to remember the voter's name who asked the question (That's a great question, um...erm...uhh..Phil, I'm so glad you asked--oh, your name is Morris?  My bad).  Anyway, we're here to talk about last night's debate.

The Romney's reaction to Mitt's debate performance.
Honestly, I don't think anyone on the right had very high expectations for Romney's foreign policy debate performance.  It's widely known that it's his weakest area, having no foreign policy experience (nor does his running mate for that matter).  So, it's not too surprising that the grumbles from the right wing talking heads have been somewhat muted this time around.  Sarah Palin dusted off her "momma grizzly" for the occasion, and Ann Coulter, bastion of style and class that she is, called the President a "retard", confirming that she is, in fact, worthless gutter trash with no sense of decency what-so-ever.  

The President brought enough Zingers to the debate for everyone, and he took Mitt to school last night.  We knew that Mitt was lacking in the foreign policy department, but watching him fail at basic high school geography was a bit of a surprise.  On the outside, this was a pretty funny moment; but let's get serious for a moment, shall we?    There's been unrest and fighting in the Middle East since the dawn of time itself.  American President after American President has dealt with the issue of affairs in the Middle East.  Whether we like it or not, for the time being, we rely on oil from that area of the world.  The Middle East probably represents the most important aspect of American foreign policy. There are no do-overs in this arena.

 Romney's lack of basic geographical knowledge of that region; his failure to know who Iran's neighbors are--shows a serious lack of understanding about that area of the world.  How can we trust him to oversee the most important policies that we must develop and implement.  The entire world looks to the United States in these matters.  We are a major player on the world stage.  How can we give that job to a man who misplaced the entire country of Syria?  

Mitt seems to keep changing his mind about the major players on the world stage as well.  Back in March, Mitt called Russia our number one geopolitical foe, prompting the President to call him on it; one of the most memorable quotes of the night, " Gov. Romney, I'm glad you recognize that al-Qaida  is a threat...You said Russia, the 1980's, they're now calling  to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War's been over for 20 years."  It should be noted that the March interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN wasn't the only time Mitt referred to Russia as our enemy; he doubled down on the statement in an op-ed piece for Foreign Policy Magazine and in a second interview with Blitzer on CNN.  Romney considers Russia a bigger foe than Iran, North Korea or China.  Apparently, Romney slept through one of the few good things the Reagan Administration can legitimately take credit for.  

Which brings us to my absolute favorite debate moment last night.  And since it's our last debate breakdown blog for four years, let's have a little fun and relive the top three debate moments of all time in American Politics.

#3- Admiral Stockdale, who really wasn't in the mood for the bullshit

#2- Lloyd Bensten puts the smackdown on Dan Quayle

#1- President Barack Obama takes Mitt Romney to school.

The 2012 debates are brought to you by the letter "B"; Big Bird, Binders and Bayonets.
With his remarks about the military, Romney revealed that despite his desire to shove money into it that the Pentagon did not even request, he has no working knowledge of how our military really works.  

The bigger lesson we can take from this debate is that our position in the world is in serious jeopardy under a Romney administration.  Mitt Romney is a bully who would use his presidency to bully the nations of the world.  Mitt Romney does not believe in diplomacy. He prefers weapons to words, and does not have the fundamental basic knowledge to be a good neighbor, or a peacemaker.  He bows to the military industrial complex.  He bows to Halliburton, which has made an absolute fortune several times over on the back of the American military.  As always, Romney bows to the all-mighty dollar, his lord and master.

 Mitt Romney does not care about the spilled blood of American soldiers, nor does he care about the veterans well being once they've returned home.  He has no respect for their sacrifices.  Mitt Romney showed us last night that his incompetence is well rounded and extends to both foreign and domestic policy.

Simply put--Mitt Romney is a poor choice for President and he proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt last night.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Steve King Is Less Than a Jack-Ass

Madilynn Amy
Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that there are few issues that raise my ire like immigration.  Most of you have had the privilege of "meeting" my granddaughter, Madilynn Amy on these pages.  For those of you who haven't, we're going to fix that today.  For those of you who have, you get (what I consider, of course) the happy treat of seeing her again.  This is my beautiful granddaughter.  Maddie is a Mexican-American.  Her daddy came to this country many years ago.  He didn't ask to come here.  He was brought here, and the United States is his home.  My daughter and their daughter are his family.  He is a wonderful man; a man who works hard to provide for his family, he is a wonderful daddy, and of course, Maddie is crazy about him.  He is desperate for a path to legal citizenship.  The thought that he could be torn away from his little family is devastating.  
Which brings us to the reason I'm fired up again today.  Representative Steve King, (R-IA) who on Sunday had the unmitigated gall to stand by comments he made back in May comparing immigrants to dogs.  
My daughter Katie, son-in;law, Roberto and Maddie

There are no words adequate to express my anger; no words to express my outrage.  How dare he?  

It's time people on the right woke up and realized that what they are talking about is not a political issue.  They're talking about human beings.  They are not dogs.  They are not animals.  They are people, regardless of their skin tone and place of birth.  They are moms and dads and children, just like our families.  
How do people like Steve King get elected to office?  He can't possibly be representing all of the people of his district.  I know he's from Iowa, but there is racial diversity in every state in the US.  What is it going to take for these small minded bigots to open their eyes?  This man parades around claiming to be a part of the party of "family values."  What the hell kind of values are ripping families apart, leaving a single mother and a child economically disadvantaged, not to mention broken-hearted, and the damage irreparable?  We're hoping that President Obama is re-elected so he can take advantage of the Dream Act that is only an executive order for now.  He's too afraid to start the process until after the election.  Should Romney take office, it would serve as a list to have him rounded up and deported.   

 What you see in the photograph is an image of a young man who feels the weight of his responsibilities.  He gets up at 4am, six days a week and goes to work in lousy working conditions so he can meet his family's obligations.  On the weekends and in the evenings, he works a side job so they have a little something extra.  He pays taxes into a system that he'll never benefit from unless the laws are changed.  And every day of his life he lives with the fear of having everything that is precious to him ripped away by a man like Steve King.  Strike that.  It's wrong to call Steve King a man...he is so much less than that.  My son-in-law Roberto is a man.  Steve King can only dream of becoming a human being, his hatred and bigotry makes him so much less.  I'd equate him with swine, but that would be insulting to pigs.  I'll be polite and just point out the fact that clearly, his momma didn't raise him right.  People of Iowa, do the nation a favor and vote this jack-ass out of office.  Now I've insulted jack-asses.  My apologies to jack-asses everywhere.