Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm Only Doing This Once

The last blog I posted, Your Religion is Invalid, has (surprise)! received some criticism.  After some careful thought, I have decided to answer my critics--but this is that last time that I will formally answer my detractors.  The big dogs in the opinion game don't take the time to answer their critics (usually) unless there is something truly egregious afoot.  I shall adopt the same policy.  If you disagree with my opinion, feel free to do so in the comments section on this blog.  If your criticism has merit, I'll answer it there.  

The first bit of criticism I was offered gave me a list of definitions, presumably from Miriam-Webster or some other ubiquitous dictionary reference website or book.  Apparently this critic believed I needed a refresher on various forms of governmental and societal constructs.  While a dictionary definition has value, it doesn't necessarily encapsulate the complexities of said construct in action.  For the sake of my rebuttal, I'm going to say that your definitions, dear critic, were an oversimplification of an ever-changing dynamic. At no time in the piece I wrote, did I say that the government of the United States, or the incumbents (Democrat or Republican, certainly not Republican) were attempting to install socialism as a new form of government.  To make that vast leap of an assumption is to miss the point of the piece entirely.  

The point I was trying to make was, that as a nation, we have embraced certain programs and entities that are based on socialistic principles.  Not only have we embraced them--we're pretty damned pleased with them.  The two-headed snake that is the Republican/Tea Party faction has made a lot of hay by accusing President Obama of being a socialist and trying to convert our current form of government into a Socialist utopia.  And socialism to them is a vulgar word.   They sling these accusations while holding their (often misspelled) protest signs that brazenly demand:  "Keep the government out of my medicare."  I was merely pointing out that their medicare was, in fact, a government run program that is based on a socialistic ideal, and that socialistic programs are not the enemy of our democracy. 

Moving forward with the criticism at hand, the religious aspect of the piece was mentioned and the "Scarlett O'Hara" course of action, employed (I'll think about it tomorrow...tomorrow is another day).  The actual comment was, "The discussion of religion is another thing.  Not enough time here to dissect Stephanie's discourse.  There are some points.  There are some non-points.  To be revisited."  Please, sir.  Come on over and revisit!  The primary focus of the piece was the fact that Republicans are using the faith of their number as a weapon against them.  It was the main idea, heart and soul of the piece.  By all means, revisit it, I'll even offer you some iced tea to wash it down with.

Moving on to my second (and favorite) critic of the piece, who started his comments with "...She feeds you a partial truth and then tries to get you to accept it all."  He goes on to say, (wait...I don't care what he went on to say) He concludes his remarks with "She is a mixed up little girl who sees the world through crazy mirrors."

First, at least I'm feeding you something.  It is sustenance.  It fills your mind and nourishes it, which is far better than being offered a glass of Kool-Aid, Guyana style and demanded to drink up.  What you offered by way of criticism was sugar water laced with poison.  Second, your remarks might have held more weight if your spelling of the word "Medicaid" had been correct and your sentences coherent.  They were not.  Your Fox News temper got the better of you and your words got a little scrambled as you were flying off the handle. 

Third, you degenerated into insults.  This invalidated any point you were trying to make.  It's typical behavior for people of your political stripe this election season.  Your candidate is indefensible this time around, so you resort to kicking sand and insulting people who don't hold similar views.  Well, no mas peleas, amigo!  I own this particular sandbox and I'm kicking you out and sending you to your room.  Perhaps you need a nap and time to think about your actions. 

For the record, this "mixed up little girl" is a 42 year-old wife, mother and grandmother who holds a college degree, has worked in numerous fields professionally and is an active and productive member of the community.  I impact the world around me in a positive way.  I can express and defend my opinions without resorting to the behavior of a twelve year old.  In fact, my ten-year-old daughter has better manners than you.  I'm embarrassed for you, since you don't have the sense to be embarrassed for yourself.  While we're at it...if you find yourself in the emergency room someday with blunt force trauma injuries due to being run over by a man in a wheel chair--that will have been my husband, who doesn't take bashing his wife on such a juvenile level with nearly as much grace as I do.  


  1. You forgot to mention that the man pushing your husband in that wheelchair will be your ex-husband who doesn't like having his best friend bashed in a juvenile fashion either. :)

  2. Thanks, bestie!! I've got my posse in effect!! Like you said, I've also got an angry Mexican and a hurricane of a daughter who've got my back too. Fancy a trip to the Southwest?!! :)
