Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Tea Party, A Bedtime Story (chapter one)

Gather 'round friends and I'll tell you a story
That is filled with great pain and frought with great worry
Of taxes and programs that are labeled entitlements
But are really our stuff, that we paid for--we've a right to it
Sit quiet and still and listen to me
As I tell you the story of the party called Tea.

It all started back when a trader named Rick
Decided to play a cantankerous trick
He told all the people that it wasn't fair
That we should bail out all those fiends over there

He pointed to neighbors 
That lived down the road
Whose mortgages were an impossible load
He cried "Take back those houses
Those people are losers
They're shiftless and lazy
And system abusers"

But what Rick didn't tell you
Well, he was quite the cheat
Was that the neighbors would be
Tossed out into the street
Their stuff would be taken 
To pay back their loans
And there they would be with no stuff and no homes

His friends; how they cheered him
And offered their thanks
And they never once mentioned 
That we'd bailed out the banks
We'd kept them in money 
To keep those banks going
And to the executive ranks
The bonuses flowing

Now our friend, Santelli
And his comrades in arms
With all of their money and all of their charms
Looked to our Congress and said, Blessed be
We'll protest this bail-out
By mailing them tea....

to be continued...


  1. Now I'm too scared to sleep! J/k-- love it!!

  2. It is a scary story--best with a campfire and s'mores!!

  3. Can't wait for part 2 the saga continues...
