Monday, October 22, 2012

Steve King Is Less Than a Jack-Ass

Madilynn Amy
Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that there are few issues that raise my ire like immigration.  Most of you have had the privilege of "meeting" my granddaughter, Madilynn Amy on these pages.  For those of you who haven't, we're going to fix that today.  For those of you who have, you get (what I consider, of course) the happy treat of seeing her again.  This is my beautiful granddaughter.  Maddie is a Mexican-American.  Her daddy came to this country many years ago.  He didn't ask to come here.  He was brought here, and the United States is his home.  My daughter and their daughter are his family.  He is a wonderful man; a man who works hard to provide for his family, he is a wonderful daddy, and of course, Maddie is crazy about him.  He is desperate for a path to legal citizenship.  The thought that he could be torn away from his little family is devastating.  
Which brings us to the reason I'm fired up again today.  Representative Steve King, (R-IA) who on Sunday had the unmitigated gall to stand by comments he made back in May comparing immigrants to dogs.  
My daughter Katie, son-in;law, Roberto and Maddie

There are no words adequate to express my anger; no words to express my outrage.  How dare he?  

It's time people on the right woke up and realized that what they are talking about is not a political issue.  They're talking about human beings.  They are not dogs.  They are not animals.  They are people, regardless of their skin tone and place of birth.  They are moms and dads and children, just like our families.  
How do people like Steve King get elected to office?  He can't possibly be representing all of the people of his district.  I know he's from Iowa, but there is racial diversity in every state in the US.  What is it going to take for these small minded bigots to open their eyes?  This man parades around claiming to be a part of the party of "family values."  What the hell kind of values are ripping families apart, leaving a single mother and a child economically disadvantaged, not to mention broken-hearted, and the damage irreparable?  We're hoping that President Obama is re-elected so he can take advantage of the Dream Act that is only an executive order for now.  He's too afraid to start the process until after the election.  Should Romney take office, it would serve as a list to have him rounded up and deported.   

 What you see in the photograph is an image of a young man who feels the weight of his responsibilities.  He gets up at 4am, six days a week and goes to work in lousy working conditions so he can meet his family's obligations.  On the weekends and in the evenings, he works a side job so they have a little something extra.  He pays taxes into a system that he'll never benefit from unless the laws are changed.  And every day of his life he lives with the fear of having everything that is precious to him ripped away by a man like Steve King.  Strike that.  It's wrong to call Steve King a man...he is so much less than that.  My son-in-law Roberto is a man.  Steve King can only dream of becoming a human being, his hatred and bigotry makes him so much less.  I'd equate him with swine, but that would be insulting to pigs.  I'll be polite and just point out the fact that clearly, his momma didn't raise him right.  People of Iowa, do the nation a favor and vote this jack-ass out of office.  Now I've insulted jack-asses.  My apologies to jack-asses everywhere.



  1. I cannot believe this man (I don't like using that word it insults men), but this man got elected to the house of representatives. He is nothing more than a biggot in a suit. He makes men look bad by being that gender and I am appalled that he could say something like that about human beings. I am outraged at his words and enraged he could speak of members of my family like that. People like him don't deserve to be in our congress let alone soceity in general.

  2. I agree. Members of Congress are supposed to be our leaders--and they're supposed to represent ALL of the people in their district. A man who would compare an entire group of people (immigrants) to animals, does not deserve to lead a nation. He has no business in a seat of power. What he deserves is my foot up his a#%!! But I digress. I share the photographs of our family with some reservations. Yet people MUST see the faces of the group they only see in the abstract. When a person looks into Madilynn's beautiful little face, it's a little harder to discriminate against her. When they see her in her loving father's arms, it's a little more difficult to send him back to Mexico and break her heart. At least I hope that is the case. On the other hand, heaven help Steve King if he ever has the misfortune to cross my path. I'll teach him the manners his momma didn't, and he'll have a whole new way of seeing the world!! Hell hath no fury like a Grammy scorned. It's the year 2012--it's time to get over discrimination based on race and King's comments aren't coming from a place of concern about an issue--they're the racist rantings of a bigot and nothing more.
