Thursday, October 25, 2012

Countdown to the Election-12 days!

Twelve days until the election, and they seem to fly by faster and faster! Today brings us to reason number three why I won't be voting for Mitt Romney!

His Economic Policies Suck

There's just no way to say it nicely.  Mitt Romney has no clue how to run a government.  He's confused the federal government with a corporation.  It's not--government exists to defend and assist the people of a nation.  Corporations exist to turn a profit for their shareholders.  Mitt has no concept of helping others, although he's a big fan of helping himself, and his ultra-wealthy friends.  

Since the eight years of Bush, the "us and them" mentality has grown more prevalent.  The middle class is shrinking at an alarming rate.  We need a leader who will fight for policies that benefit all of us, not just the top income earners.  History has proven that "trickle down economics" do not work.  The latest evidence to support that statement?  The Bush tax cuts.  

We keep hearing over and over again from Mitt and his Republican cronies that it's important to keep more money in the pockets of the "job creators".  If rich people are able to keep more of their money, they'll reinvest it in their businesses and thus be able to hire more workers.  If that were true, after twelve years of these tax cuts, we should be drowning in available jobs.  So, that's obviously not the case.  Exactly how much money do the "job creators" need to keep in order to create more jobs?  Maybe if we exempt them from paying any taxes at all, it might help (Grover Norquist would love that).  Or perhaps it's because they're creating those jobs in countries like China and India.  

I'm sick of hearing Republicans boo-hoo about the national debt.  The Republicans could care less about the debt.  How did I come to that conclusion?  Simple--when George W. Bush spent eight years running this country into the ground with his two wars that were unfunded and his shout out to Big Pharma that he called a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit (it benefits drug companies, mainly); Congress raised the debt ceiling for him 19 times.  Yes, you read that correctly--nineteen times.  Raising the debt ceiling only became an issue when we had an African-American Democrat in office.  And YES, I'm calling those Republican losers in Congress racists, because Bill Clinton (who was far more liberal than Barack Obama ever dreamed of being) didn't have half the trouble getting the debt ceiling lifted on his watch.  So--shut up about the national debt, Mitt.  You could care less about it.  You're pandering. 

Barack Obama was handed the biggest mess of an economy since the Great Depression and Republicans expect him to wave a wand to fix it.  It took Georgie-boy eight years of vigorous effort to destroy it, but they want it all better--yesterday.  So the President set about fixing our broken economy by investing in America in the form of a stimulus package that not only created jobs, but addressed some seriously pressing problems as well and the Republicans bitched about that too.  Honestly, if the man ate a BLT for lunch, Republicans would take an anti-bacon position. 

The GOP whines about the national debt we're passing on to our kids, but a crumbling infrastructure is A-okay with them.  Our bridges are crumbling.  So are our roads and highways.  Our electrical grid is a travesty.  Our water delivery systems are outdated and in a serious state of disrepair; that's just fine by them.  Never mind that all these investments have put Americans back to work.  Never mind that the economy is on the upswing.  

Republicans say the stimulus is an epic failure and a waste of tax payer money.  Why?  because it wasn't their idea?  The best that Romney has to offer is an investment in drill, baby, drill and coal--the filthiest form of energy on the planet.  I don't suppose that would be because big oil and coal companies have heavily invested in Romney's campaign?  Honestly, outside of oil and coal interests, who opposes wind and solar investment?  Wait, I forgot.  Climate change is a myth hatched by mad scientists with fiendish plots to take over the world.  Guess what, Mitt?  The cool thing about science is that whether or not you believe it--it's still true.  We're killing the planet, and we're using your ideas to do it!  

Then there's the misguided notion that Romney's going to balance the federal budget with no increase in revenue. On top of that, he's going to cater to his own personal interests by granting himself another tax cut.  Sure, he swears that those tax cuts are across the board, but he's not mentioning the back-handed way they actually increase taxes on the middle class and working poor.  Mitt's also not real big on talking about how his tax plan actually increases that budget deficit he's claimed to have lost so much sleep over.  He says the independent analysis that proves these points is wrong, but he's not a fan of sharing the specifics with the voters.  He refuses to defend his position in any meaningful way.  

Trust Mitt?  He can't even maintain the same position on any issue from week to week.  I wouldn't trust him to take out my kitchen trash.  He plans to offset those tax cuts by slashing domestic spending except the Defense Department  He wants to give them more money than they asked for-- a lot more money.  Murdering Big Bird and firing Jim Lehrer on national TV is not going to offset Romney's tax cuts.  Ending the government subsidy to Big Oil would help more than cutting PBS; but that's another bridge he's unwilling to cross.  

Despite all of it, the numbers simply do not add up.  The math doesn't work. Even if he uses imaginary numbers and throws in some algebra for good measure.  Romney's tax plan scams most Americans.  It makes sense that he doesn't want to talk about it.  I suppose that's why he doesn't go into detail about a lot of things. 

So you see, voting for Mitt Romney is not in my best interest.  I stand to lose a lot, as I am not one of those ultra-wealthy friends of his.  He's going to cut programs that I rely on.  He's going to raise my taxes in a round-about, sneaky way.  Mitt is going to continue to let the nation crumble from the ground up.  He might even engage us in a new war to drive Halliburton's mini-economy.  He says he's a business man.  Well, I've seen what he does to businesses.  I don't want my country to go the way of Sensata.  I think his lack of vision (beyond his own interests) on economic policy is a very good reason not to vote for Mitt Romney.

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