Friday, October 26, 2012

The Fluctuating Price of Rape

Lord, have we ever been hearing a lot about rape lately!  Why in the name of all that is holy is this an issue?  This country has more than enough real issues to deal with!  We have a struggling economy that is starting to recover, and must be helped along by strong policies.  We have serious issues happening around the world that must be considered by both candidates.  There's the issue of corporations and mega-donors buying our elections lawfully thanks to the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision--and the Republicans are trying to make this election about rape?  

Here's the deal.  This is a distraction tactic on two fronts.  First, it's taking people's minds off of the issues that really matter.  Romney doesn't want you to think about things like Medicare or Social Security, or the fact that he's going to gut domestic spending.  He already knows that he's lost the female vote.  He has nothing to lose by engaging in this torrid bit of politicking.  

Have you ever noticed the gas price trick?  You know, the one where gas prices rise and rise to an obscene amount?  For example:  Gas is $3.50 a gallon, which hurts.  Then, gas gradually starts to climb until it reaches $4.20 a gallon.  People are really incensed then. We shout and holler and finally, gas prices start to drop.  Whew!!  The drop until they hit $4.00 a gallon; and we are relieved!  Here's the trick...gas moguls never intended to leave it at $4.20.  Their target was always $4.00.  Everyone knows that $4.00 is cheaper than $4.20 so we accept the new, "lower" price without too much grumbling.

It's the same with the issue of rape and abortion.  Republicans have made a fuss over the exception for rape and incest.  That tiny little piece of the abortion issue is all over the news and the web.  What they're hoping for is that people (especially women) will eventually accept a ban on abortion so long as there is an exception in the case of rape and incest and, of course, the life of the mother.  It's the gas price trick.  

I don't believe anyone is pro-abortion.  Most progressives and liberals are pro-as few abortions as possible.  We have a strong set of morals and principles; values and ideals.  A significant number of us are men and women of faith.  Although we might be pro-life ourselves, we don't believe in forcing our views down someone else's throat.  We firmly believe that religion and religious views have no place in our government.  

The Republicans are betting on us losing sight of the big picture, and settling for less.  They're hoping we'll be pacified by legislation that takes away our Constitutional right to choose what is best for our lives and our bodies, and settle for a law that permits us to have what we have already fought for and won.  We must not lose sight of gas at $3.50 a gallon.

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