Friday, October 19, 2012

What You're Really Voting For

So, you've watched the debates, watched a ton of commercials on TV and you've even checked out the candidates pages on facebook; and you've decided to vote for Mitt Romney.  Here, in easy to understand terms is what you're voting for.

Taxes and the Economy:

  • You're voting in favor of increasing the budget deficit to pass on to your kids and grand-kids.  According to the bipartisan organization, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Romney's plans (what he's shared of them anyway) will add $2.6 trillion to the budget deficit by 2021.  
  • You're voting to cut Mitt's (and his ultra-rich friends') taxes, and making middle class taxpayers pay for it.  You see, when Mitt trots out his tax plan, which he doesn't like to go into a lot of detail about, one of the things he's trying not to mention is his own, personal definition of middle class; in Romney world, anyone who makes between $100,000- $200,000 per year is the middle class.  As a point of reference, the US Census bureau states that the median income in the US is a little less than $50,000.  So, there's a dollar or two discrepancy between Romney's view and the real world.  Who knew?
  • You're voting to increase taxes on middle class wage earners.  Those would be the real middle class wage earners--not Romney's pet middle class.  In Romney world, he's actually raising taxes on people he considers low income; and so what?  They don't vote so nobody cares about "the working poor" anyway. (reminder- they're actually the middle class by the definition of everyone else on planet Earth).


  • You're voting to take away your grandparent's Medicare.  I don't care how you try to spin it, a "premium support" is a voucher and it takes away Medicare's guarantee of coverage.  Let me break it down for you:  Under Ryan's plan, grandma gets a voucher in the mail for a specific dollar amount to buy health insurance for the year.  Grandma then has to research all of the health insurance plans available that accept her voucher.  She chooses the plan that best fits her needs, and applies for coverage with the company.  If she is approved, she submits her voucher as payment.  If the plan costs more than the value of her voucher, she has to pay for it herself out of her own pocket.  
  • You're also voting to give your grandparents less healthcare.  Because Mitt will be repealing Obamacare on day one, Grandma's pre-existing conditions won't be covered under her new insurance plan.  So all of her care for her arthritis/heart condition/high blood pressure won't be covered for six months to a year.  And when Romney ushers in his new era of deregulation--they may not be covered at all.  Her prescriptions won't be covered for those conditions either, so if she can't afford to pay for them?  Good luck, Grammy.
  • You're voting to eliminate and/or reduce your kid's health insurance.  A good bye to Obamacare means that your son that just graduated from college and is looking for a job can't stay on your health plan until he's 26.  Your daughter that has cancer and has required many expensive treatments just hit her lifetime cap of coverage, so she's uninsured and shit-out-of-luck too.  Way to go!  You're up for parent of the year! (I was kidding--you suck).
  • You're voting to make prescription drugs more expensive for your grandparents and all those kids that are lucky enough to still get Medicaid.  A big part of Obamacare was closing the doughnut hole that the divine President Bush created to thank the big Pharmaceutical companies for their campaign contributions.  They expected a return on their investment.  The government's ability to bargain with drug companies for lower costs will be eliminated as well.

Social Programs

  • You're voting to  eliminate a lot of things that make life worth while for impoverished people.  Romney promised that government spending would have to pass this test:  Is it worth borrowing money from China to pay for?  So far the only program to pass the test has been those tax cuts for himself and his friends.  So, no more PBS; bye-bye Big Bird and early childhood education for those brats whose parents can't afford private pre-school.  No more National Endowment for the Arts (who the hell cares about art anyway)?  There's a lot more related programs that will be eliminated, but you get my point.
  • You're voting to evict, starve and freeze a lot of poor people with kids.  Programs that subsidize rent so impoverished people can keep a roof over their heads will be no more (and before you say it--most of these people work, they just don't make enough money to get by).  SNAP (a/k/a food stamps) funding will be gutted by Romney/Ryan.  HEAP (home energy assistance program) funding is going the way of the dodo) and Medicaid?  With healthcare eliminated for poor people, they'll die quicker and we won't have to deal with 'em).
  • You're voting to eliminate early childhood education along with other vital education programs.  Head start isn't worth borrowing money from China for.  Neither are free or reduced cost school lunches. Again, you get the drift.

Women's Issues

  • You're voting to stab every woman alive in the back.  Before we even go there, I've never met, nor am I likely to meet, another human being, Republican, Democrat, Green, Socialist Workers, or The Rent Is Too Damn High Party, that is pro-abortion.  We're just not.  Democrats are pro-the fewest abortions possible.  How do you reduce the number of abortions?  Access to affordable birth control and family planning services.  You need to get through your head that people are NOT going to stop having sex.  That is not going to happen no matter how much you pray to Jesus.  He wasn't successful at stopping it in the 60's and he's not going to be successful now.  If you truly want to reduce the number of abortions in this country, the answer is to give women the ability to control their reproductive health.  
  • You're voting to force women to carry a pregnancy that was the result of RAPE or INCEST.  How dare you! What if it was your daughter?  And further more, you're voting to force that woman to confront her attacker on a regular basis so he can be a parent in 31 states.  Also, you might be forcing women to risk their lives to carry a pregnancy to term.  A lot of Republicans are in favor to an absolute ban on abortion, even if the life of the mother is in danger.  
  • You're voting to kill a lot of women.  Romney has vowed to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood, a Community Health Center where a huge number of women go to receive preventive health services like cancer screenings--mammograms and pap smears.  You're also voting to make health insurance more expensive than that of our male counterparts, making it, once again, out of reach for a lot of women.
  • You're voting to to ensure that women don't get equal pay for equal work.  Your boy Mittens doesn't think women deserve to be paid as much as men for doing the same jobs with the same (or better) qualifications.  Women do equal work without a penis so it doesn't count.
You're also voting to approve of a lot of other really terrible things, like making sure that marriage equality will never be achieved, thereby continuing discrimination and the denial of benefits to people in loving, long-term relationships.  You're in favor of utterly destroying our planet, with deregulation and the elimination of the EPA.  You're voting to make sure that Wall Street gets to do whatever it damn well pleases and if it screws the rest of us--oh well.  You support the elimination of worker's rights and the eventual repeal of the minimum wage.  You're a big fan of Citizen's United which allows our elections to be bought outright.  You're also making sure that the church will have a seat of unrestricted power in our government, thereby effectively ensuring that America will have an official religion that we all have to subscribe to.  You're also in favor of ripping apart millions of families and you like the idea of tossing out millions of kids who were brought here through no fault of their own and sending them back to a country they don't even remember, all because you're afraid of people with brown skin.

You know, you're not a very nice person.  You stand shoulder to shoulder with a lot of racists who believe in things like "Don't re-nig" and "It's a WHITE House".  I think that makes you pretty sick.  You're in favor of "I've got mine--so screw you" over "We're all in this together."  And at the end of the day, as much as you throw your bible in my face?  You'e anti-Jesus.  Isn't he the guy who said to love thy neighbor?  Isn't he the one who said (over and over again) to take care of the poor?  Yeah, I thought so.
Hope you enjoy your United States of Romney.  I'll let you get back to your kool-aid.

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