Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock You Like A Hurricane- 9 days to go!

Reason #6 I'm not voting for Romney-- He doesn't care about people--at all--ever.

Unless you live under a rock, you know that the "Frankenstorm"; Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the East Coast.  The necessity of preparedness can't be overstated.  We're expected to get some nasty weather off of the storm here in the Finger Lakes--so my day was largely spent getting ready.  A large part of my family lives in Baltimore, MD,  so please keep them and everyone else (red and blue) in your thoughts.  This is a time when we must pull together and put aside our ideological differences and work with each other to keep one another safe.  This storm is another prime example of the philosophy, "We're all in this together."  When we stand together and lift each other up, we are strong.  

I hate to politicize this impending event of mother nature.  So much is out of our control at this point.  We look to our officials for guidance on so many aspects of this event.  Where do we go if we must evacuate?  Who do we call if we're in trouble?  What should I pack if I must leave my home?  The questions are endless.  And in times of trouble, we desperately need answers.  Our lives may depend on it.  First we look to our local elected officials, who work with local emergency management, for immediate instruction and direction.  They can tell you where the closest emergency shelter is and answer any pressing questions, like, "Can I take my pets?"  Some shelters allow companion animals and some do not.  Sometimes you can board your pet at the local SPCA.  Call your local emergency management office or listen to the radio or television if possible.

After the storm has passed and we've assessed the damage, we look to state and federal officials.  They both have a role to play.  At this time of year, we must remember that we have a critical choice to make regarding the leadership of our nation.  Both the state and federal races are crucial.  Leadership starts at the top, especially in times of crisis.  We know there will be great damage and there will be a mess to clean up. Who do we turn to if we've lost our home, or our business has sustained tremendous damage?  We turn to our federal government and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.   President Obama has already left the campaign trail to lead us and make the important decisions that only he can make.  He's working with FEMA right now, making the necessary preparations to assist the states with any issues and recovery efforts.

Sadly, Mitt Romney doesn't believe that federal disaster aid is necessary.  He believes that the duties of FEMA should be kicked back to the states, or, in his words, "privatization would be preferable."  He went on to say in his remarks at one of the GOP debates, "that kind of spending is immoral."  

The trouble with this line of thinking is that it totally negates what a central government is all about.  The Preamble to the Constitution spells it out for us:
"We the people, of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union, Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility.  Provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America."
I assure you that we on the east coast are not feeling even a little bit tranquil at the moment, and we want a strong central government that we can look to for leadership, and depend upon in our moment of crisis.  We will need help, and if those services are kicked back to the states we still pay for it in the form of higher income taxes and regressive taxes as well.  Working with a for-profit company to help us rebulid our lives is nothing short of a nightmare.  FEMA has more resources at it's command and we need its services now.  I'm sorry, friends, as "Frankenstorm" is bearing down on me, I don't want some wanna-be business guy passing the buck or passing judgment on the morality of helping me because there's flood water clear up to my rafters.  I want a President that says, "We're here for you because that's our job", just like President Obama did.  That's what leadership is all about.  Mitt is too busy passing the buck and he doesn't care about anyone other than himself...and maybe Ann (but that's debatable).  Sorry, Mitt--your laissez faire attitude about Americans in crisis is reason #6 I will never vote for you.

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