Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fool Me Once- Republicans and Rape

There's no issue that is a better example of how far to the right the Republican party has gone than the issue of rape and the abandonment of a child once it exits the womb.  Not to put too fine a point on it, but this isn't about protecting innocent lives--it's about a bunch of old white men subjugating women.  This is about a bunch of men brushing off the seriousness of an act of violence against women.

Let me just say that personally, I am opposed to abortion as a means of birth control.  I'm certain that these right-wing wackos agree with that.  So why, exactly, are they bending over backward to restrict women's access to contraceptives?   Let's be clear on one point:  You're not going to legislate people to stop having sex.  Let's not forget as well, that it's men who are having sex with us--and ladies, how many times have you have heard a man complain about (if not flat out refuse) using a condom?  When the unthinkable happens however, it's always the woman's fault though, according to Republican logic.  

Which brings us to the subject of rape.  Let's be clear on what rape is.  It is an act of violence.  It is a man imposing his will on a woman's body without her express consent.  Even if you're on a date.  No matter what she is wearing.  It is the woman's body, and she has the right to say no to sex.  Todd Akin-- most people just find you to be a religious zealot.  You're not.  You hide behind your so-called faith in order to hide your misogyny.  You're not anti-abortion.  You're anti-woman. 

 Legitimate rape?  Tell that to your daughter when she comes home and her date wouldn't take no for an answer?  Is that okay with you?  Tell that to your wife when her boss demands she either "put out" or get fired.  But you've got enough money so the little missus doesn't really have to work.  We're not all that lucky.  Tell me, Todd, how many women deserved it at your hands, because it wasn't really rape?  Oh and by the got ripped off when it comes to your education, because high school biology teaches us that a woman's body doesn't have a magical detector to determine if she's been inseminated with rape sperm or friendly sperm.  

Then there's the genuine lot of religious zealots who believe that rape is just another form of conception, and that a pregnancy that is the product of rape is a "gift from god" or the "lord's will".  That's just a cop out and a manipulation of a woman's faith.  Any god that would "gift" a woman with a brutal attack on her body has no business being a deity.  
Let's be clear here.  Religion is a man made construct.  Churches are constructed by people.  Ministers are people (Jimmy Swaggart's "I have sinned moment, anyone)?  Even your bible, which you consider to be the divinely inspired word of god?  Written by people.  At the end of the day--people make the choices.  

A prime example of that is your pal in Tennessee, Scott Desjarlais, who is running on a pro-life, pro-family platform.  Except his mistress got pregnant.  And he wanted her to have an abortion.  His wife, who clearly hadn't read the manual on how to be a good Republican wife, divorced him.  So it's do as I say, not as I do.  Guess it's okay when you have a penis.  

And what about the baby once it's exited the womb?  You're so consumed with the sanctity of life, but not the quality of it.  You rail against and vehemently oppose any program that helps that mother take care of her child.  You men certainly don't want to help (Joe Walsh--paid any child support lately?).  You're for gutting funding for PBS, which has been proven to improve a child's early educational development.  You want to gut WIC and SNAP which provide basic nutrition to infants and children.  You want to destroy Medicaid which provides access to healthcare for kids of low income women.  
Your hypocrisy makes me sick, and it invalidates your argument for valuing the sanctity of life.  You don't give a damn about life--it's just another tool with which to manipulate the electorate, and another method by which to control women.  

Some of you would have us believe that Republicans who don't support an abortion exception for rape and incest are the fringe of the party.  Sorry, I'm too smart for that.   If it's only one candidate who supports no exceptions, it's the fringe.  I'll even give you two--but when I can name ten off of the top of my head right this minute without missing a beat?  It's your party's platform.  Especially when your Presidential ticket supports person-hood legislation that gives a fertilized egg the same rights as a human being.  That piece of legislation supported by Romney and Ryan makes surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy murder (ectopic pregnancy can kill a woman).  It makes all forms of hormone based birth control illegal, thereby taking contraception out of a woman's hands entirely.  It also makes in vitro fertilization illegal (never mind that Mitt's son and his wife benefited from IVF to conceive).  I guess if you have enough money, the rules don't apply to you.  Myself?  I've had enough of your manipulation and your hypocrisy and I'm not going to be fooled by your pathetic attempts to legislate my body.  

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