Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The King of the Jackasses has Spoken (mini-rant)

Ode to joy!! The King of the Jackasses has made his major announcement!  What does the man with an opossum on his head have to say?  Well, the birther-in-chief is offering a bribe to the President.  He's offering $5 million to a charity of Obama's choice in exchange for the POTUS's college records, entry applications and passport application. To Trump's satisfaction, of course.

The unmitigated gall of this arrogant idiot is just mind bending.  His behavior is disgraceful and he should be embarrassed, and ashamed of himself.  He's nothing more than a racist, a bigot and a loud mouth with a little too much money for his own good.  Money he accrued by gaming the bankruptcy system, saddling small businesses with bad debts from his unethical business dealings.  

This is nothing more than a shameless bid to remain relevant from a man who has become a washed-up has been.  I'm sick of idiots like "The Donald" disrespecting my President, and my country.  You want to talk about unpatriotic?  That's the dictionary definition right there.

Doesn't Donald have something more pressing to do, like firing Meatloaf or some other celebrity from his pitiful little television show?  The President was right- he's just a carnival barker.

The idiocy clip--if you can stomach it...


  1. In my opinion he is not worth the time of day. First it was the birth certificate which HE made the POTUS produce. Now passport application, college records BITCH PLEASE. You, Mr Trump have no room to talk. One who NEVER graduated college and like mr romney got your money from daddy. Lost a shit ton when the real estate market crashed and host a stupid TV show on cable. AND YOU HAVE THE UNMITIGATED GAUL to ask for anything??? You mr trump are a worthless piece of guttertrash with some money and a BIG MOUTH!!!
