Monday, October 15, 2012

What's On My Mind...a mini-blog

*This is still my place to rant when my brain gets full--bear with me*

What's on my mind today...

I saw a picture on the internet of a bald man at a Romney/Ryan rally wearing a shirt that said "Put the white back in the white house."  Then I saw another that said, "Nigger please, it's a white house."  
Not long afterward, I watched a clip of Ann Coulter telling Bill Maher that racism doesn't exist in this country--it's just liberals chasing ghosts.

I am literally, physically ill about this.  I have a nine-year-old daughter and I so much want to teach her to be patriotic and to love her country...and I can't.  Hell, I want to be proud of my country, but I look at this hatred--this mindless baseless hatred and I am sickened.  In the year two-thousand and twelve when we can communicate around the globe in nanoseconds, when we can place a vehicle the size of a Mini Cooper on Mars with such precision that it touches down gently exactly where we direct it to from planet god-damned Earth, but we can't manage, as a people, to accept other human beings because they LOOK DIFFERENT?!!  Are you kidding me?  I hold a deep and profound respect for our right to express our views but we should be surrounding these people and shaming them for their hatred and racism.

But credit where credit is due.  At least these men have the courage of their convictions. They certainly should be ashamed of themselves, but they're unafraid to stand on their beliefs.  All the while we have 242 men and women sitting in the House on Capitol Hill who feel exactly the same way as the men in the racist shirts.  They just hide it in polite company and in the glare of the harsh light of the TV cameras.  Yet they're just as bigoted and full of hate.  Ask yourself why a group of 15 men gathered on the night of Barack Obama's inauguration and decided to damn this President.  WHY HIM?!  We've had Democratic Presidents before, and they've had to deal with Republican majorities in Congress--yet they always found a way to move the country forward.  Until now.  Why was this man so vilified, so hated, that they decided no matter how much the country suffered they would obstruct everything he tried to do for our betterment.  Think about that for a while.  
John McCain was born outside the shores of our borders, but his citizenship was never brought into question.  Yet despite producing his birth certificate in every form imaginable, this President is still accused of being from Africa.

And you Romney supporters?  Take a good look around you at the company you keep at your next rally.  Check out the shirts they're wearing.  They're not the lunatic fringe any more.  Then look on your TV and see who's sponsoring the rally that welcomes the racists.

America, we have a long way to go.  This kind of behavior--and the acceptance of this kind of behavior is beyond the pale-- and as long as we harbor this kind of outright racism and closeted hate...I am ashamed.

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