Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Most Dangerous Thing Romney Said At The Debate

  So, the topic of the day for almost everyone is the debate between Romney and President Obama.  Last night, Romney not only set his sights on Big Bird, he also fired the debate moderator.   He misrepresented President Obama's policies and record in office and then he flat out lied about his own plans.  Plans that he spoke of in the broadest of generalities.  To his credit, Mittens was well spoken, relaxed and even eloquent in his remarks.  Most people are saying Romney "won" the debate; I disagree.  Mitt Romney lied to the American people for an hour and a half and managed to not stick his foot in his mouth, and that's a victory?  I don't think so.
   Romney, in an accidental moment of candor, tipped his hand last night, and gave viewers an accurate view of what a Romney presidency would mean.  The most important statement Mitt Romney made last night was this; "I will eliminate all programs by this test...Is the program so critical it's worth borrowing money from China to pay for it?  And if not, I'll get rid of it.
   From there, Romney proposed to slash and burn NPR and Obamacare, although he pledged to do it with all respect.  In the past month, we've all been enlightened about how Mittens feels about the 47%, how he feels about "entitlements" and government handouts.
We know how he feels about big government regulation and all of those government sponsored programs that make life more pleasant and livable in the United States.  Those programs, better known as the safety net, the EPA, the Department of Education, NPR, the National Endowment for the Arts, well, let's face it--they're not likely to past muster with the Romney China test.  But I know what will.  
   Corporate welfare is a national scourge, but it barely got a mention from the President last night.  Exxon Mobile can rest easy knowing that it's government subsidy is safe and will pass Romney's China test.  So can the rest of Romney's "small businesses"  like Bain Capital and the banks that got a nice fat federal bailout while still giving their CEO's obscene bonuses.  They will pass the test.  This policy is dangerous on every level to every single citizen in the nation that earns less than $250,000 a year.  
   The next debate is coming up and I am secure in the knowledge that President Obama will excel at foreign policy.  You can say that this was a win for Mittens, but as long as truth matters at all in our national politics, you can chalk it up as a loss.  The fact checkers have a lot of work to do, because the Mittens we saw on the debate stage is not the Mittens we see on the campaign trail.  In the end, he just reinforced the fact that he stands for nothing, and he will stop at nothing to attain the presidency as his prize to add to his trophy collection.  As a people, a country, do we really want to be a spoiled little rich kid's prize?  It's something we need to think about and address honestly, because Romney is making a mockery of our political process and the Republican Party...and it matters.


  1. I believe it is of biggest fear to all of us who earn under 250 K. We are a burden to "his" government in "his" belief that people who do not pass this test of income are unworthy. And the poor, sick disabled and elderly amongst us are just a drain on "his" resources.
    I feel that the latest thing we got from Romney is if they are poor we are going to shove them into the Emergency Room. Talk about Social Security and Medicare people they are part of the 47% you don't have any care for us. We
    have it on tape Governor. Don't come out here and say you care because you met some supporter at a campaign event. You have written off 47% of our country. And the last time I knew it was WE THE PEOPLE, for the people, and by the people.

    1. I have to say that it is astonishing that Romney's solution to the health care issue is the emergency room. The care is sporadic, impossible for people with conditions like diabetes or cancer and financially devastating. This man has no concept of real life. How could he, he's always lead a life of privilege. Does Ann really think we believe her stories of struggle when she had to eat tuna and pasta and sell off stock to survive? Must be nice.

  2. He's like a slinky; stands for nothing, will fall for anything.. no backbone. He's not the dangerous one as much as all his teapublican cronies who will come calling once he's in office to spread their theocratic, mysogynistic agenda. He's just the open flapping door for all that is radical and dangerous in the far right of the Republican party and he's too stupid to decide the plausible from the utterly crazy elements.

    1. I totally agree. Mittens is like a slinky. Absolutely good for nothing but a hell of a lot of fun to push down a flight of stairs!!
